Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"You sit upon arrogance, pride, a lust for power and attention. It was made by your ego and those foolish enough to not be able to see what is behind the veil."



Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
"The left hand doesn't know what the right hand does... and neither hand know that the feet exist."
-Rauve, explaining the mysterious and unknown sections of Marr


Lord of Altera
"The left hand doesn't know what the right hand does... and neither hand know that the feet exist."
-Rauve, explaining the mysterious and unknown sections of Marr
*driving Tybalt insane... Altho he is patient, sometimes it takes a great del of waiting to hear or see what you want*


Lord of Altera
"The left hand doesn't know what the right hand does... and neither hand know that the feet exist."
-Rauve, explaining the mysterious and unknown sections of Marr
*after Rauve said this to Tybalt*

"But it requires both hands and the feet to handle a bow, and one must be aware of the others actions to perform their own"


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
*after Rauve said this to Tybalt*
"But it requires both hands and the feet to handle a bow, and one must be aware of the others actions to perform their own"
"Each part does not necessarily have to know what the other parts are doing, only trust that they have done it"


Lord of Altera
Viola Navine: ...Tybalt? *she chuckles* .. Tybalt is like a big red lever that says do not pull... I have to do it~

Viola Navine: Life is a game~ ..... and I have an extra piece *she giggles devilishly*


"Thee O lord of light spread thine truth amain, hark my verse anent of war. Thy scales of justice tower endlong to punish those wrong with swith. Let thy own power and truth bring victory usward, with aid and power of mass, and truth. I ask for you, O' lord and savior of from the wrong, keeper of the true and righteous, to aid whosoever thole such conflict, in answer to our soothfast loyalty. Gift my siege with the true justice to guide my hand, and such true righteousness find my eyes. I ask for thy gift of pure embrace to withstand our endeavor, in gift from my prithee, and let my skill, enhanced with tribute, let no wrong overpower the right. Let no vile embrace the pure. As such I ask for your gift, bestowed upon the noble heart of mine, to bring victory over those clouded eyes of the enemy. Let justice guide my hand, and truthful light find my eyes."

-Scardrac's prayer for Harateth.


Lord of Altera
Viola Navine: ...Tybalt? *she chuckles* .. Tybalt is like a big red lever that says do not pull... I have to do it~

Viola Navine: Life is a game~ ..... and I have an extra piece *she giggles devilishly*
All the feels of this entire RP ;-;


Based on what?
Retired Staff
*spacing out because of head concussion*
*Tybalt puts bacon on the skillet and it begins to cook*
*smells the bacon and is pulled back in*
Is that bacon?