Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
"One of you must pay the price... or all of you will... A sacrifice, you could say."
*motion Samara (Priestess of Shalherana)*
"Your price... you must come with me.. and become a messenger of truth."
*motions Korim(?)*
"You seem to have lost an eye... Your price is another."
*motions Ashna*
"And you... what do you fear most I wonder. You falsely believe in the joys of life... I will show you what it means to be a true acolyte of Grey."
*and to them all*
"Choose quickly."
@Delta_61251 @solusrequiem @Milky Joe


Lord of Altera
"One of you must pay the price... or all of you will... A sacrifice, you could say."
*motion Samara (Priestess of Shalherana)*
"Your price... you must come with me.. and become a messenger of truth."
*motions Korim(?)*
"You seem to have lost an eye... Your price is another."
*motions Ashna*
"And you... what do you fear most I wonder. You falsely believe in the joys of life... I will show you what it means to be a true acolyte of Grey."
*and to them all*
"Choose quickly."
@Delta_61251 @solusrequiem @Milky Joe
Still managed to get away, if somewhat reluctantly.


. . . Not a possession? Well. She was in a cage. Scardrac was the one giving her the choice and not forcing anything upon her.


Legend of Altera
Jax; "you all three willingly sat down at my table before even knowing the pact! I now own your-"
Robert; "We did, maybe you should be the god of learning to listen too?"
Jax; "oho, OHO"