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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
Log of Activity:

-Stayed at the Pre-Corrupted Port Silver for awhile, stealing food, money, etc.

-Met Robert Senatoor, Mila, Murdoc, and got a look at Darko, the feared pirate.

-Robert Senatoor, Rose, and Mila...had a kiddy fun time together!

-Met Corrupted Elmond, and learned of what the corruption does.

-Mets Scar, he holds a sword at her. She hides behind Elmond. "Scary man! Scary man!"

-Met Eudo, Nwalme, Nwalme's wife.

-Eudo and Rose got into a relationship @GLaDOS101

-Eudo soon left after they went to the beach together.

-Rose was heartbroken, and vowed one day to get revenge on Eudo.

-Rose talks to Zeph, and tells her what Eudo did/done. Zeph smiles evily and said's "I will enjoy breaking you" and walks off.

-Rose relizes that Nwalme and Eudo are Lawfully Evil, manipulate people, etc, and that they possibly convinced Zeph that Rose was in the wrong.

-Rose tells every one of her freinds to stay away from her, and watch out for Zeph.

-Murdoc gives Rose a place to stay for awhile. Rose feelings are confused.

-Rose learns Murdoc has a wife and 7 kids, her feelings for Murdoc fade.

-Meets Garet, and they get into a relationship. However, it's cut short by Garet's death. @Bob_the_BuilderPet

-The Chaos God gets summonsed, everybody gets wisked away to Port Silver, Rose see's the Chaos God. Robert (Yet again!) drags her to Queen's Port.
[ACHEVIMENT UNLOCKED!: Meet the Chaos God!]

-She gets willingly kidnapped by Robert Senatoor, along with some other little girl, and stay's there for about 3 months.

-She escapes.

-She hides out in Al'Bathor, then gets re-willingly kidnapped AGAIN by Robert Senatoor, this time taking her to Queen's Port.

-She runs away while Robert is busy talking to some guests. She walks through the frozen wastes, temp's about 30 degree's, 20 with the windchill.

-She finally stumbles across an old castle. Where she see's a sign about a "Void Key".

-She finally makes it back to Al'Bathor.

-She hides for a couple more months.

-She -accidently- tells the no longer Corrupted Elmond that she's being hunted. Elmond offers to kill Zeph, but Rose refuses, but Elmond insits, dropping two large bags of Rad's at her feet. Rose refuses the money, tells Elmond he can't kill Zeph, and walks off.

-Rose mets Artsan, then gets a home at Silverwatch.

-Rose finds a super secret place in Silverwatch (I found it RP'ly!) and she gets 2nd degree burns on her arms, legs, thighs.

-Rose trains under Artsan to become a priestess of Asgar, therfore, Rose is now a heritic.

-Rose mets "Mentor", and she falls in love with him, "Mentor" and Rose being dating.

-Rose waits at the Vera Vigi Inn for Nwalme, who is in hiding. By luck, Nwalme was there to pack up a few last things.

-After some small talk, Rose attmits what she and Eudo did, then, she kneels and offer Nwalme a sword, in case Nwalme wants revenge. Nwalme declines, and said's Eudo already told him what happened. Rose explains her side, and Nwalme refuses her apology, instead, he blames it on her bad choises. Fury courses through her, but she smiles and hugs Nwalme, then leaves.

-Rose now hates Eudo, but still likes Nwalme, but dis-trusts him.

-Rose meets Ardy, and Rango. Ardy att's to interrogate Rose about Robert's Senatoor's child, which she reply's "Which one?" Ardy calls her a moron, and leaves.

-Rose now deeply dis-likes the Tiderbones, but she has yet to met Darko, who she /kinda/ wants to met.

-Rose spends lots of time with "Mentor"

-Rose discovers Artsan's past, she also stumbles across his home in Silverwatch.

-She confronts Artsan, and tells him everything she found. Artsan said's "Those days are over."

-After talking to Arstan in the Crossroad's Inn, she does a bit of fishing, when Artsan walks up, and asks "Rose, that knight that is blind, is that me?" Rose attmits it is him, and she also tells her feelings for him. It turns out, "Mentor" was Artsan all along.

-Rose and Artsan get in a relationship.

-Rose finds a burtally beaten Elmond, and is currently helping him re-cover.

-Evedrops on Murdoc and his plans

-Travels to a certain place, and get caught evedropping. Scar and Landir shows up, Rose thinks Scar and Landir are going to kill her...but they let her go.
[ACHEVIMENT UNLOCKED!: Meet Scar and not get killed]

-Rose proposes to Arstan, there getting married!!!!

-Meets Darko at the Crossroad's Inn, and leaves a bad first impression. Rose wishes to correct this. [ACHEVIMENT UNLOCKED!] Meet Darko and not get killed.

-Meets Silas! [ACHEVIMENT UNLOCKED!] Meet the Knowledge God!

-Meets Rahas! [ACHEVIMENT UNLOCKED!] Meet the War God!

-Meet Sallana! [ACHEVIMENT UNLOCKED!] Meet the Love Goddess!

-Dragged Eudo away after he did a dumb to Sallana, took him to Baston's Lull Inn, and confronted him...with a iron poker. Eudo tried to woo her back, but she rejected him, and told him to go get drunk. (#Denied @GLaDOS101 )

-Saw Theadroa (rough spelling) [ACHEVIEMNT UNLOCKED!] Meet the Goddess of Hunting!

-Saw The Chaos God again, and asked questions to Silas

-Talked with Eudo...confused as to wether he /loves/ her or /lusts/ for her. Now...she's torn again. (@GLaDOS101 )

-Talked with Scar, and asked him to have lunch with her. @Scardrac

-Goes to the Lady Luck and apologies to Darko.

-Has a picnic with Scar, and kinda creeps him out.

-Becomes Tybalt's maid. @Tybalt

-Appiles for another maid postion.

-Fires herself from Tybalt maid job, now is settling for the other job.

-Hears about Artsan's death. Is heartbroken.

-Hears about Elmond's death, is heartbroken.

-Witnessed the drama between Tybalt, Landir, and Scar

-Had to pick a side, either Scar, Landir or Tybalt. Choise one person.

-Met with Scar in her house, talked for a good half day.

-Gave Scar a sword, and a healing potion.

-Scar gave her a walnut sized
diamond, and is confused. . . @Scardrac

-Found out what Scar's goals are, and what he wants in life.

-Called Scar friend, didn't seem to hate it nor like it...?

-Invited Scar to the Valentines Day Event

-Scar asked her to move with him to Hellsridge....?

-Scar asked her a very personal favor....

-Is torn, unsure what to decide.

-Was killed by Scar, [But doesn't know that IC!] for warning Elvanie about him.

-Is revived and talked Cloud, learned that she was killed.

Woke up.

(*Steals straight from Gaby*)


Can read and write: Common...that's it.

*Huffs* /What/ Nobility? I'll never get nobility, but I might have a shot at it now.

Etiquette: She understands basic etiquette. Yet chooses not to follow it at times to anger people.

Warfare: Very poor...not a skill Rose wants to learn.

Mathematics: Little to know math knowledge. Never interested, never learned

History: Loves reading about it.


Overall: Deffinitely not great. 5/10

Mental disorders:
Nopes!-Wait...maybe. *Looks up* Worshipping the Mad God counts as a mental disorder?

Emotional stability:
Bad...very bad. She's learned to control her emotions.

Mental Stability:
Slowly chipping away, peice of peice. Already gone. While she still has control of herself, it's very easy to send her over the edge.

Temper: Bad.

Memory: Short Term Memory Loss.

Calming down: She takes long walks to calm herself down.

Controlling her emotions:
Bad. Learned to control her emotions.

Sleep: Night Owl.

Overall: Cold-eyed and judgmental, she might act like she's intrested in you ony to get your favor.

Speaking: Stutters when nervous.

Making new friends: Bad...

Defusing hostile situations: Bad...

Winning arguments: She's learned to have an "OK" silver tounge.

Romantic encounters:
She's had plently at this point.

She's learned this skill.


Hand to hand: Never trained.

Blades: Knows how to do some basic moves.

Projectiles: Her only good skill is with a bow.


Overall: Meh. Only fights when needs to.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Meh. Needs some work.

Bladed Weapons: Crazy good sometimes.

Bows and Crossbows: Also crazy good.

Dodging Attacks: she has some crazy luck in that regard.

Overall: Meh.

Perception: Totally misses the thing that's right in front of her sometimes. She misses a lot of things.

Stealth: Good.

Evading Enemies: Very clumsy.

Wilderness Survival: Knows hardly anything about it.

Climbing: can climb rocks and trees with relative ease. has a strong grip, and a good sense of balance.

Swimming: Crazy good.

Overall: mediocre

Sewing: Nope. Doesn't know anything.

Gardening: Crazy good.

Stonecarving: Nope.

Painting: Nope.

Sculpture: Nope.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Rahas is not the god of war.
Crusade is.

But if you met Rahas then he is the God of (take your pick, I say freedom and justice)


"For the People"
"Ave Rahas"
"The Leader"

God of Dedication, Courage, Honour, Equality, Defense of the Downtrodden, Community, Justice, and Loyalty


Lord of Altera
Two letters would arrive at the Kingdom of Azerport, with a small figure, which was cloaked, waiting outside the gate, the figure would hand the letters to a familer man, and look around quickly, before dashing off.



Lord of Altera
"-The Chaos God gets summonsed, everybody gets wisked away to Port Silver, Rose see's the Chaos God. Robert (Yet again!) drags her to Queen's Port."

Greatest achievement Goren ever did