Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
Rose has been missing for a total of 4 RP months now. Her home has been not cleaned, dust lies everywhere, and it smells of stale perfume.


Lord of Altera
~Detailed Relationships~
Gaby: Haven't seen her in awhile. Rose met her when Vermella worshipping was still outlawed, and after the Vermella worshipping rose, Rose hasn't seen Gaby since.
obviously not. she doesn't even know her real name is Salheira!


Lord of Altera
Um, Tybalt would never have taxed someone like that and to be his maid in sure he would pay well.

And... Ooc discouragement to join a house because of a small tax shouldn't be taken ic :/


Lord of Altera
And... Ooc discouragement to join a house because of a small tax
I don't hardly come on the server anymore. I had over 9,000 rads before it dropped to 6,000 rads. While that may be not a bad drop in numbers, due to my inactive-ness and lack of voting I couldn't keep up with the tax.

shouldn't be taken ic :/
Well, Rose did get a better job RP. That's the reason why she quit being your maid. RP'ly, because she got a better job, OOC'ly, because I couldn't vote enough. I'll change it so it works.