Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
After the burtal attack on Elmond, Rose know longers feels safe...that being SAID, nobody will know in RP that Rose worships Asgar. You'll have to find out RP'ly.


Lord of Altera

Thus Filled so Far:

1. Meet Scar and not get killed.

2. Meet the Chaos God, and not get killed.

2. Meet Darko and not get killed.

Thus She has Yet to Complete:

1. Survive a life threating attack.

2. Save somebody who's in a life threating attack.

3. Have fun at the wedding.

(More to be added later)
Last edited:


Lord of Altera

Thus Filled so Far:

1. Meet Scar and not get killed.

2. Meet the Chaos God, and not get killed.

2. Meet Darko and not get killed.

Thus She has Yet to Complete:

1. Survive a life threating attack.

2. Save somebody who's in a life threating attack.

3. Have fun at the wedding.

(More to be added later)
We have the same achievements!!!!!!