Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I'm.. Tina is free tonight if both of you are? ;)

Also to avoid completely de-railing... Ghosty, is one of your exams on Art? If so, you could do exams and help with the massive list at the same time.. you know the whole "two birds with one stone" kinda thing. :D
That particular exam has been and gone, and I'm going on the server now :3
Oi, that's your job.
C.L.A.S.S.I.F.I.E.D :D

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Y'see, I'm torn a bit between concentrating on artwork today, getting 2 more pieces done, or concentrating on rp-ing today with all of you beautiful people, getting 1 piece done..

Anyone have any thoughts?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Presenting Kvothe and Semaira, a couple in which their romance has no bounds, spanning three (alteran) years of marriage :)


P.s. Happy now bette, I used a yellow background :p and I hate hands.


Retired Staff
*is amazed he doesn't know how long he's married but Cloud/Ghost does*

I do like it though! Awesome!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Going to take the chance to re-organise myself..

1. Cherry
2. Mara
3. Coolblox
4. Bette
5. Abbey

I hope Cool won't kill me for this, but something has snuck into my plans, landing itself on the 2.5 part of my list, and making itself todays' drawing!