Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost


Lord of Altera
Going to take the chance to re-organise myself..

1. Cherry
2. Mara
3. Coolblox
4. Bette
5. Abbey

I hope Cool won't kill me for this, but something has snuck into my plans, landing itself on the 2.5 part of my list, and making itself todays' drawing!
I seem to remember you saying something about a 1 year at Hollow aniversary thing for me?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I just noticed.. your handwriting is better than mine... and I'm female? Hmm, maybe I'm the one wearing the trousers in our relationship? :p
My writing in the past has been described to be 'spidery' and 'sentient, as the same letter can change its shape each time it is used', so thank you :3 Also...

I think I just lost some man points.. What's one less than infinite? :p


Lord of Altera
My writing in the past has been described to be 'spidery' and 'sentient, as the same letter can change its shape each time it is used', so thank you :3 Also...

I think I just lost some man points.. What's one less than infinite? :p
I could go all Math Nerd on you right now and say that it could be -69,237.42 or even 5... but I won't... I'm already too un-girly. :oops:


Woah.. Over the time I have been gone, you have improved loads :O

Keep it up mate~

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Okay, here's an idea, I'M GOING TO FORGET ALL REQUES-

I kiiiid, but the requests will take me some time before I even start to think about animating, so, be patient okay please thanks :3