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The Danger of Jishrim's Gift


You've yeed your last haw
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*A carefully-penned treatise hangs pinned at the Crossroads bulletin, written in dense flowing script atop slightly waterstained parchment*

Godsend, 14th of Winterfest
First and foremost, the "child" is something we collectively do not understand and are handling very, very poorly. If misinfluenced its capacity is one terrifying, a job at which we have not been performing well. Through this text I seek to reveal that necessary of what I have gleaned in the hope that such resonates.

The entity is currently a blank slate with the full potential of a God, possessed with the attribute of absorbing outside influences and incorporating them into its own description. When adequately matured, it is capable of competing with those of the pantheon most aligned with its dominant influences. Continue to feed it knowledge, it shall supplant Silas. Fight over it, and it shall do the same with Crusade. Universally bicker over course of action, create more chaos, and Jishrim shall return stronger than before.

  • As general, our influence is not one desirable to imprint on a God. As a people we are violent, idiotic, contrary, and possessed of an utter inability to coordinate on matters without preaching our own opinion to be that the superior. Jishrim is relying on this chaos to foretell his return; it is probably that in allowing the entity its present course it will continue to gather his marks and thus maintain his dominance over chaos.
  • If we fail to play this with exceptional care, Jishrim wins his game. It is on assumption that I state Jishrim himself is probable to return, for to my knowledge those marked still bore the influence of his power. Should we drive the entity to chaos, Jishrim returns stronger. Drive it to the ways of another God, and jeopardize its position. Show it Altera's ways of destruction, and we create a new profile ill attuned to the best interests of the realm. The only option most ideal to the vast majority of factions present in Altera is to guide it to an aspect not currently represented in the pantheon.
To that end, I propose thus; we create a God of Dance. The exact character is immaterial, it is simply of necessity to have a unified heading that I name such. What is non-negotiable is the need to cooperate and coordinate.
  • Our primary goal is to maintain knowledge of the entity's position and ideally attempt to contain it. Given its tendencies for disappearance, such requires constant attention and likely contact; in this, the choice of dance is twofold as it provides avenue for such. Should they be willing, I propose first the city of Le Havre to host the entity. As I doubt this to be a universally popular decision, I designate the Crossroads to be the forum for discussing matters pertaining to the entity; such must be done separate from it to prevent contaminating influence.
  • Of goal secondary, to guide the entity to a profile of our choosing. To this end, constant exposure to dance of various forms. We must exercise caution in avoiding aspects of other Gods, lest it claim them as its own.
  • Of goal tertiary, to prevent those that would turn the entity into a being of their own desire from gaining influence over it. Such must be done separate from the entity, lest it witness such.
Though it is our nature inherent, this is not the time for petty squabbles. We must, at least momentarily, put aside our differences in favor of preventing a worse outcome for all. Should that not be persuasive, in favor of spiting he who would play games with all of us; Jishrim.

-Undertow, on word of the Magi


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
should do the obligatory

this is someones IC speculation, etc. etc. might not actually turn out the way you think...


Lord of Altera
''God of Dance''

''Le Havre''

Ye, give it to the Frenchmen,
he's gonna have learned how to shake dat booty artistically when he walks out of the Palace.. :heart:


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I don't think the Safety Dance has ever applied more perfectly to a situation.

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Lord of Altera
Wouldn't it be best to have the child somewhere totally neutral away from all faction influences?
I haven't followed the event fully but surely if any of the major factions take it then everyone else is just going to argue.
That's just my opinion though ^^;


Lord of Altera
No one owns Visage, Visage goes where it pleases.

It would require a faction to subjuguate every major population center for a period of time to 'keep' Visage.


Non sum qualis eram
Wouldn't it be best to have the child somewhere totally neutral away from all faction influences?
I haven't followed the event fully but surely if any of the major factions take it then everyone else is just going to argue.
That's just my opinion though ^^;
My only willing involvement in this event was first the advice: 'It would probably be best to ignore it.' followed by more practical advice since it was known that'd be the last thing to globally happen.