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The Danger of Jishrim's Gift


Magus of Nothing
are you making a heretical god? If this is pure OOC speculation then please have faith that we got this covered. Spread this stuff IC or not at all!
Oh, we're sort of spreading it, sort of not.

It entirely depends on what happens with Visage and other stuff. I've told a few people about the concept ICly.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Trying to mold the thing into a god of its own seems.... Heretical, heathenish, one of those words. Seeing as Aewin said that it can have the power to challenge the gods place in the Pantheon.
But what if Aewin is looking at this completely, utterly wrong?

Probably not how it works.. You'd probably have to do more then shove a whole load of poisonous things in his mouth.. Just like if you were to create any kind of god from him, I doubt it would be an easy process.
This guy. I like you.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I like how everyone is saying "turn it into a god of x," when there's been very little evidence that this is or can become a "god."

For all anyone knows, it's a weapon. Created to find faults in mortals and exploit them to lethal effect once it gains enough power. Or a doppelgänger looking to murder and replace people with clones of itself.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I like how everyone is saying "turn it into a god of x," when there's been very little evidence that this is or can become a "god."

For all anyone knows, it's a weapon. Created to find faults in mortals and exploit them to lethal effect once it gains enough power. Or a doppelgänger looking to murder and replace people with clones of itself.
This guy gets it too :p


Lord of Altera
I just had a thought. If it turns out that this thing can be turned into a god, why is it so bad if we create another Jishrim? I know what the most common answer would be, and I get why it would be an answer. But. As much as characters don't like it, We need evil gods. Gods of chaos and madness and things. Because the gods need to be balanced. It's not easy to explain, but we need evil gods, to make people become evil. Our world needs chaos and madness, just not too much. And also, I'm sure that if Jishrim came back more powerful he probably wouldn't destroy the world or cause everyone to go insane or such, Because causing certain people to go insane and worship him and things amuses him. He most likely wants people to oppose his worshipers and his methods, because watching mortals squabble and fight is amusing. One more thing; If we were to go by this point of view and create another Jishrim, then we could just create a weaker Jishrim by, if we were to go and use the method stated in the OP, surrounding it with chaos and such, but just a small amount. Of course only if it can be turned into a god.
So yeah.


Lord of Altera
I just had a thought. If it turns out that this thing can be turned into a god, why is it so bad if we create another Jishrim? I know what the most common answer would be, and I get why it would be an answer. But. As much as characters don't like it, We need evil gods. Gods of chaos and madness and things. Because the gods need to be balanced. It's not easy to explain, but we need evil gods, to make people become evil. Our world needs chaos and madness, just not too much. And also, I'm sure that if Jishrim came back more powerful he probably wouldn't destroy the world or cause everyone to go insane or such, Because causing certain people to go insane and worship him and things amuses him. He most likely wants people to oppose his worshipers and his methods, because watching mortals squabble and fight is amusing. One more thing; If we were to go by this point of view and create another Jishrim, then we could just create a weaker Jishrim by, if we were to go and use the method stated in the OP, surrounding it with chaos and such, but just a small amount. Of course only if it can be turned into a god.
So yeah.
I'm not on board of the balance boat.

If everything was good and peaceful, My character wouldn't mind that. Some mystical scales doesn't have to be balanced. If good reins supreme things are good. Not sure how that's a bad thing at all.

(OOC: but that's boring. RP is story making and every good story needs some form of conflict)


Lord of Altera
Think about this; there is God and there is Devil. You can always try and undermine Devil's plans and schemes, but thinking about eradicating or killing him is silly.