Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Danger of Jishrim's Gift


Lord of Altera

God of Dance won't work.
dance is linked to music.

Sallana is the goddess of music.

now, what I would recommend, for aspects not currently represented in the pantheon,
  • Lost Children, or Childhood (that's easy, make children touch Visage)
  • The Moon (far as I know, no god is god of the moon)
  • Snow
  • Storms
  • the Sea

no, I don't have any ulterior motives with those suggestions..... @Woolsey @Sankera @bettemus99 @Michcat


Lord of Altera

God of Dance won't work.
dance is linked to music.

Sallana is the goddess of music.

now, what I would recommend, for aspects not currently represented in the pantheon,
  • Lost Children, or Childhood (that's easy, make children touch Visage)
  • The Moon (far as I know, no god is god of the moon)
  • Snow
  • Storms
  • the Sea

no, I don't have any ulterior motives with those suggestions..... @Woolsey @Sankera @bettemus99 @Michcat
on this note, there is another idea, though it might be fairly dangerous, and probably just make another evil god,
  • poison
just toss all kinds of venomous things in the kid's mouth. ba-bam. god of poison, no threat to pantheon.
@Patroklos Alexander don't sue me


Well the amount of times it got smashed, pulled, dragged, snatched, etc in the first event I'm surprised it's not the god of greed, destruction, bickering and ignorance already.


Magus of Nothing
Teehee, dropping something here.


"The Nightbringer"

Goddess of The Night, Darkness, Deceit, The Moon, Sleep and Freedom.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Teehee, dropping something here.


"The Nightbringer"

Goddess of The Night, Darkness, Deceit, The Moon, Sleep and Freedom.
are you making a heretical god? If this is pure OOC speculation then please have faith that we got this covered. Spread this stuff IC or not at all!


Non sum qualis eram
No. We shall /not/ make the timey-wimey ball any worse.

(I proudly support any player initiative for pretty much any divine aspect except, primarily, Time, with a few other exceptions that I'm not going to mention or spoiler.)
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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Well the amount of times it got smashed, pulled, dragged, snatched, etc in the first event I'm surprised it's not the god of greed, destruction, bickering and ignorance already.
"Maybe there is a beast... Maybe it's only us."
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies


Lord of Altera
Trying to mold the thing into a god of its own seems.... Heretical, heathenish, one of those words. Seeing as Aewin said that it can have the power to challenge the gods place in the Pantheon.


Lord of Altera
on this note, there is another idea, though it might be fairly dangerous, and probably just make another evil god,
  • poison
just toss all kinds of venomous things in the kid's mouth. ba-bam. god of poison, no threat to pantheon.
@Patroklos Alexander don't sue me
Probably not how it works.. You'd probably have to do more then shove a whole load of poisonous things in his mouth.. Just like if you were to create any kind of god from him, I doubt it would be an easy process.


Lord of Altera
Trying to mold the thing into a god of its own seems.
Not even mentioning trying to teach a god-in-training as it were another god's ideals could cause some....friction and....arguments on who is the real god of (insert ideal here).
Imagine if Thor and Zeus met and wanted to decide who was the ultimate wielder of lightning...
EDIT: I think it would look something like this...