Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Dark Blood Stirs...


Legend of Altera
..... wait did someone say new capital
hum another place for everyone to go to and make other towns rot and die
.... i have an idea!!!
but its for uthrandir and only them ill consult bellon :Dmuahahahahaha

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
wow wow wow wow hold the pressis did someone say we have to pay for the new world THATS BLASPHEMY!
*runs off screaming blasphemy and smacking random people in the face in blind rage*

Read this again vanar, I am sure you will find an answer that is more pleasing.

The Hollowworld Admin Team would like to announce a massive new expansion pack to the world of Altera. Pre-Order today and get free day one DLC (joke)
I've highlighted it for you, just in case you missed it too. :p


Legend of Altera
its still make me mad we have to pre order to ge a back groud view of the new lands well i dont care ill wait till its done


Hollows Explorer
I think I missed an entire chunk of everything. i thought Altera was a country not a world? In relation to this topic. So if Altera is a country will we be "moving" out of it? If its the name of the world then this post has no meaning :p


Lord of Altera
I think I missed an entire chunk of everything. i thought Altera was a country not a world? In relation to this topic. So if Altera is a country will we be "moving" out of it? If its the name of the world then this post has no meaning :p
If I'm not mistaken, Altera is the world. :)


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Look what is written under HOLLOWWORLD on the very top of the website... ;)


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Look what is written under HOLLOWWORLD on the very top of the website... ;)
I admit its a bit vague. Land, Continent or World.

But since (I) cherbert create these worlds it would seem logical I would name them consistently based on the our home world.


Hollows Explorer even more confused :p
I was thinking. Doesnt happen very often so bear with me :p if Altera is indeed a world then there would be more thank one capital due to more than one country. But then if Altera is a very big country: countries are not made up of many islands but instead lots of towns/hamlets/cities connected by roads. So my idea is that instead of boats being used for transport, why not have short roads that lead to a portal which then takes you to said place.

Then on the other end of the portal the road carries on as if nothings happened.

Yay or nay? :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well.. Altera is a world my friend... how you missed that part throughout all the reading you did (should have) before joining.. Boat transportation was the smartest thing thought of for any minecraft server so if we get rid of that I would be mind blow.. everyone loves having the boats an I think the portal Idea might just be more like warping where in true medieval times if you needed to go a very far way.. you do anything you could to not have to walk :p


Lord of House Hawklight
I always viewed Altera as the world, Port Silver is the capital of the Northern Kingdoms, the Southern Wilds are untamed lands, and Eden is a neighbouring landmass or something.


Hollows Explorer
Wrayh said:
Well.. Altera is a world my friend... how you missed that part throughout all the reading you did (should have) before joining.. Boat transportation was the smartest thing thought of for any minecraft server so if we get rid of that I would be mind blow.. everyone loves having the boats an I think the portal Idea might just be more like warping where in true medieval times if you needed to go a very far way.. you do anything you could to not have to walk :p
That idea was only because i wasnt sure of the world/ country thing. But i was only putting the idea out there because the RP side to exodus would be the land being consumed therefore everyone moving "country" so i was thinking the new land could be made up of all land and a few islands instead of the current city island that is port silver and all of the towns being on islands.
Was only a suggestion. But thanks for the reply :)
And also i did read a ton of stuff before joining but my memory is terrible :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
That idea was only because i wasnt sure of the world/ country thing. But i was only putting the idea out there because the RP side to exodus would be the land being consumed therefore everyone moving "country" so i was thinking the new land could be made up of all land and a few islands instead of the current city island that is port silver and all of the towns being on islands.
Was only a suggestion. But thanks for the reply :)

not all the towns are on islands ... ? *confused*


Hollows Explorer
lovelorn said:
not all the towns are on islands ... ? *confused*
"port" silver. Meaning that it would be on a coast and it would be unlikely that the majority of towns are on a coast


Hollows Explorer
Wrayh said:
besides the temporal tower and the air docks to get to inland towns :)
But thats not what im getting at. Im just saying that because its a new country/world or whatever we're calling it. It should be different to the current one. A different "culture" if you like.