Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished The Demons of Sorrow


Legend of Altera
My character had no choice but to hide, because well was going places here and there in rl so missed out on most of the fun... got a free invisibility potion though, thanks for whomever gave that to me....


Lord of Altera
I hate how I always come on when an event's already started, so I never understand what's going on, and therefore can't participate in it... Gah! :mad:


Lord of Altera
You want to know what my character was doing for over half the event? Listening to the battle while waiting for a doctor. Eventually I just left because I was bored.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Well, Nwalme saw a loved one have his memories stolen, and a bit after that is currently being -dragged- around Port Silver.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
...I don't want to kill all of them-

Some are somewhat nice...


Lord of Altera
You want to know what my character was doing for over half the event? Listening to the battle while waiting for a doctor. Eventually I just left because I was bored.

One of the only doctors present was in the basement of the merry mead hiding until Ced was injured, which then she totally tried to save Mia and help Ced.. Then I got bored and left.. It was dragged on wayyyy too long.