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Herald The Precursors [Book]

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
(( Warning: I posted this very early in the morning and it may be subject to spelling errors. I will go back through at some point and fix grammar and any potential lore mistakes ))

Art by Memorojo!
by Lana Wake


Whilst studying as a student in Frostwarts, one Khárûz Thôrdil Bárúmur performed a lecture retelling the events of the Ashen Blight in 2305. What particularly intrigued me at the time was the statements that, following Asero Crow's blade landing the final blow of the Blight Dragon, they descended into underground ruins in the heart of the Blightlands containing Blighted of a race never encountered before. Whilst Qlippoth had mutated creatures and mortals to twisted design, he had not been known to create something from nothing, only change what existed before to something new. Thus my intrigue was peaked when they spoke of insectoids, in unknown architecture, guarding the Titans final defense. When speaking to then-Magus Gerard McIvy of his recollection shortly after, he described them as so disturbingly alien that nobody knew anything of them, aside from their nickname as 'Seekers.'

When instated years later as head of the
Circle of Lore in Candlewood by Athryl Mithtanil, I knew no other mystery more worthy of uncovering. To my surprise, I found even reference of such buglike creatures in a book detailing a golden schimitar of ancient enchantment known as Szck'ilm. Feeling a religious inclination to discover such unknown, I gathered Candlewood and coined the word "Precursor."

Without the contributions of the following names, these discoveries and findings would have been void. Thus, may these names following be made eternal for their contributions in revealing the nature of a race that never honoured us with their voice.

Athryl Mithtanil (( IceandFire ))
Cael Mithtanil (( Sankera ))
Raelur Fen'Shal (( AzureKnights ))
Ruvan Kegheart (( TagTeamChampion ))
• Freia Flortel
Luna Crow (( Opal ))
Valerie Gerharde (( JennyBean ))
Reinhard von Strussen Blud (( LuxTop ))
Aesi Ro'van
Sylvia Torvald (( Fluffy Bristle ))
• Storm Arcturus (( Catalyst ))
Miya Bellamy Bluet (( Fortune ))
Hellmann Sularia (( Adam/Byrne ))
• Carla Geiser (( Laruza ))
Rolland Schiff (( Fry ))
Dr. I. Jones


Precursor society and history is dominated by the religious fanatical racism fostered in origin from an unfortunate and little understood system of colour, thus it is important to begin with what Precursors looked like.

The race of Precursors were powerfully diverse, with many variants. For simplicity, we shall first describe what aspect of each Precursor was the same.

The body of a Precursor was insectoid. Most 'variants' of the race were Human-sized. They possessed four arms and two legs. Their exoskeletons were humanoid in shape, yet extremely similar to modern ants. Yet strangely, they had humanoid skulls, mammalian. To further complicate this hybrid of species, the Precursors gave birth to their young rather than lay eggs, yet their young were always born in bodies of water where infant fossils were found. There is no comparison to such body structure in modern times and, as such, it is unknown if they had blood, haelmolyph or a mixture of both. There is also no evidence that young Precursors could breathe underwater, yet infant Precursors were always found in natural forming springs or pools in the center of Precursor settlements.

Noteworthy: all Precursor ruins were located near rivers or oceans. It is unknown if this is due to a requirement of their young requiring these pools or if solely a reflection of our own settlements having ease access to clean drinking water.

During their lifespan, they would grow carapaces across their body which they would naturally molt as they grew older, replacing sturdy shells to newer chitin. These carapaces were fundamental in their culture, used for tools and their colour dictated their place in society. Interestingly, a Precursor is born a specific colour and, with the exception of the Red Precursor type, never changed colour throughout their lifespan. It is unknown what dictates this colour, as it seems random from what evidence they left us with their Five Tablets of Fate. Furthermore, only the Red-- and by extension, White-- Precursors possessed wings. In a similar fate to how ants operate in modern colonies, the winged Precursors were considered leaders. However, this similarity ends there, as there is no evidence that Red Precursors were either primarily female or were the only ones to give birth.

There are five recorded colours of Precursor: White, Red, Purple, Blue, Brown and Black.

This ends what makes every Precursor similar. Here is, perhaps, the most interesting aspect of this long lost race: their evolution.
Precursors lived amongst tribes and their biology often reflected their surroundings to an extreme extent. There are different types of Precursors depending where in Altera they were located. Currently as of writing, there is proof that Precursors existed in The Lost Northern Kingdoms, The Eastern Kingdoms and The Sorrows. Following are the current 'variants' of Precursors we have discovered thus far:

-'Smooth Carapace' Precursors.
first discovered species, their shells were smoother and their ruins located in caverns beneath rivers near the oceans. It is theorized these smoother shells would help them swim more easily through the water, a requirement to reach their ruins.

-'Spiked Carapace' Precursors.
A fiercely debated subject amongst the scholars studying these. These Precursors lived
alongside the rivers inland, where it is presumed they evolved to have spikes upon their shells to ward away predators or fight amongst themselves. Interestingly, these tribes were the only variants to use said shells as defensive measures for their villages, standing them upon firm poles, akin to a blockade.

-'Rough Carapace' Precursors.
Found deep in mountains of the
North and uncovered by Dwarves, the 'rough' Carapaces were thicker and more rigid than other variants in direct difference to that of the 'smooth.' These Precursors were the only variants to show evidence of clothing being worn in the form of furs from wolves. It is theorized these shells evolved to help them survive the freezing conditions of the far northern hemisphere.

-'Tiny Carapace' Precursors.
These minature Precursors were a particularly intriguing study, for it is unknown if they evolved to be such a small size upon small islands or their own ships. These particular types were
found in shipwrecks near small islands, to which their ships, impressively modern, contained every religious aspect land-based ruins had, including a throne room. It is assumed therefore they lived upon ships. Intriguingly, these small Precursors were the only variants to prove greater invention, being the main manufacturers of the bioluminescent orbs used as light sources, shipwrights, maps, spyglasses, intricate chisels and- most impressively- toys. It is theorized their small size allowed their tiny carapace tools to make more intricate designs.
Their mastery of their own carapaces were so perfect, they were capable of thinning a chitin so thin, it mimicked the effects of glass.
Without metallurgy, this was a feat most noteworthy of their advancements comparable to modern technology with their limited resources.

-'Pincer-Hand' Precursors.
No evidence has been found of these variants, however ruins engraved show in their own tales that they once existed. It is unknown, due to a lack of knowledge of their natural habitat, where such benefit of having pincers instead of finger digits, would be beneficial.

Religion and Culture:

Precursors worshipped a Goddess of the Moon.
Their society is dictated around the understanding that 'colour' of their shells require them to fulfill a specific role in their settlements. From what little is understood regarding other aspects of Precursor history, they themselves preserved their faith and caste system above all else with the relics they left behind.
Even their light sources were made in the image of the moon.

When uncovered, the concept of the Moon Goddess became speculated if she was "real" or not.
Regardless of modern academic and religious standard of the existence of divine, within or outside Pantheon, the Moon Goddess was very real to the Precursors.

They attribute their caste system and, by extension, fanatic racism to their reverence to their deity.

Because the moon is, even today, white-- the White Precursor made up a 'Blessed' caste. They were the highest of all the Precursors, given reverence at a unified '
Grand Temple' to which all Precursor variants and tribes met, gathered and collectively worshipped in unknown rituals to the Moon.

Intriguingly, the White Precursors were the only caste to be given evidence of burial rites. No remains of other Precursors, beyond their final battlegrounds, were found in their own settlements except fossilized infants and their lost carapaces. There were no skulls, unlike the battlegrounds, where Precursor skulls were scattered.
Found amongst these crypts beneath the Grand Temple, ritual artifacts we named 'Death Sticks' were found, detailing the lives of individual Blessed leaders.

It is theorized these Blessed religious leaders not only spoke and communed on behalf of their Goddess, but also unified the tribes across, at least, the modern Eastern Kingdoms Continent. During our studies of one particular buried Precursor we unsealed under the watch of Grey Lady Blessed Raelur Fen'Shal before their return to rest for the interest of study, their entire life had been shown upon their Death Stick. Born Red, it detailed them alone traveling the Realm from youth, fighting a giant cat-like beast (sabretooth) with a spear, losing their arm in the process. The three-armed Precursor shed their chitin and became a holy leader, dying of old age in meditative wisdom. It is intriguing that every aspect of even modern life is considered within an ancient society.

As mentioned before, White Precursors were not 'made' by their Goddess in some ritualistic magic. It is a biological phenomenom. Red Precursors, when they molt and shed their chitin, become their most holy colour. Thus, as a result, during our excavations of Precursor ruins, we found evidence of fallen red carapaces that were extremely scarred and damaged in comparison to that of all other colours.
It is assumed, therefore, that these leaders beneath the Blessed caste, the 'rulers' or 'queens' or 'kings' were forbidden from shedding their carapaces.

This holy practice must have only been extremely uncomfortable and, furthermore, detrimental to their health. Yet even today, the chitin of their red carapaces hold the scars of ancient, untold battles and injuries.

One can only speculate the capacity to which both White and Red Precursors were capable of flight, being the only type with wings.

There is evidence of a "priest" class of caste beneath the Red Precursors.
These Purple Precursors carved their chitin, akin to tattoos, with symbols and engravings of unknown markings, assumedly religious in their intricate details. Not much is known about this class, as of all the carapace found in excavations, the purple chitins were the most few.

Blue carapaces, however, were the most common.
The 'soldier' class of their caste, the battlefield of their fallen extinction war were all blue. All weaponry and tools found in ruins were also of this colour.

Finally, the brown carapaces were 'workers.' This was the lowest caste accepted of their society.

Their society did not allow their final colour. Problematically, this colour of chitin was black. This is symbolized within their Grand Temple and relics as the opposite colour of their Moon Goddess, the void surrounding of the night sky. It is likely they may have had a traumatic event in their early history to which Extraplanar entities brought about ruin, thus resulting in their hatred toward the colour of the night sky. They considered this the 'Exiled' or 'Shamed.' Ultimately, it is their own racism and stigma which lead to their extinction.

History and Extinction:

It was known from the start of our studies into Precursors that they were all ultimately defeated by Qlippoth and turned into Blighted monsters named 'Seekers' from the start. Yet these creatures formerly of this ancient race were only of black carapaces. It is now known why.

Studies done by stone analysis date the Precursors having existed at least ten thousand years ago, with their society most likely being much older.
Our own history, as Alterans, only dates back by calendar to two-thousand across four Realms.
There is no evidence they traded or interacted with Altera Four's other native race, the
Yet their extinction level event began with their own dismissal of their own kin.

The Black Carapaces were seen, by their own primary source, to be put to death from birth. However, through likely basic mortal sympathy or endurance through will to live, many survived. Over an unknown course of time, these Exiled and Shamed would form their own unitied front and attack the Grand Temple. It is unknown if this war took place over many battles, as there is only evidence in the modern day of one.
The battleground outside the Grand Temple of the Precursors was littered with skulls, carapaces of all kinds and colours.

Grey Lady priests across several years, starting with
Raelur Fen'Shal and ending with Rolland Schiff, have lain all remnants of this battle to rest.

The Exiled won the war and, as a final act of revenge, sealed the most-holy Blessed and cowering tribals of all colours and variants within the temple to starve. In their final acts before dying of starvation, mummified from lack of air, they created the Five Tablets of Fate. These primary sources, engraved images upon ancient stone, show us their history and culture from their own teachings.

An unknown amount of time passed following the victory of the Exiled at the Grand Temple to Qlippoth awakening and their extinction. The ruins of all the religious Precursor tribes were untouched and empty. As all the Blighted Seekers were of the black carapace type, it is theorized the battle at the Grand Temple and their extinction at the hands of Qlippoth were chronologically close events to one another.

It is unknown is Qlippoth was worshipped by the Exiled before their extinction.

What little is known is that,
in 2305, they referred to Qlippoth as the "One Beneath the Lake" in the Common tongue before attacking as Blighted beasts as the final defense in an ancient Precursor ruin to putting him back to 'sleep'.

What is true is that the Precursors lived during an age that Qlippoth was already awake. Their usage of
Bioluminescent Lichen, a Qlippothi introduced fungus, would prove the Titan was awake whilst the Precursor civilization was thriving.

Little is known about the Precursors earlier histories.

An engraving in the mountain ruins in
Khárûz Korum reveal, at one point, the Precursors migrated across the oceans. If this to show their migration away from their homeland to the Eastern Continent or their voyages to the other landmasses, it is unknown. Evidence of their existence had been found in both The Sorrows and The Northern Kingdoms. However, the evidence of them in these locations are contradictory to modern findings.
What began this study, for example, was the golden enchanted schimitar, Szck'ilm.
Yet there is no evidence supporting Precursors developed metallurgy, nor enchantment magic-- or any magic, for that matter.

It is possible Szck'ilm was a relic of the Immortals, or another ancient civilization long lost. Yet it was not Precursor, we know this for certain.
Furthermore, all Precursor language was oral, for they never developed a written language. Their symbols, engravings and pictures never could be cross-referenced into a standardized lexicon, with no evidence they even had symbols to represent words, such as with
Nakam written language of Ludkava.

Thus, even the name Szck'ilm is a mystery.

It could be possible that the Precursors could still live in isolation in the furthest reaches of our Realm, unaffected by Qlippoth. It is speculation, however, for given their evident usage of ships and life in waters, we would have at least seen one Precursor ship in our hundred years of history on this Realm.

Thus, for the sake of this book, it is safe to assume the Precursors are extinct.

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Thanks to Bartooliinii and Solus for writing this lore for the Precursor archeology event chain :heart: