Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Weekly artwork

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
All I'm going to ad now is, you realise the minimum frames a second is 30 for good quality animation right? Well times that by 60 then 3 and that's how many I would have to make for the animation to work, and I'll make the first few seconds and upload em.
Not surprising, good clean animation takes on average 12 hours for around 3 seconds


The original mute
Ouch, you could just leave it on for three days straight, but would it be worth it?
Lets put it this way, that'd be three days, without the ability to use my computer, to have no access to anything but my iPad, and to play nothing but iOS apps. Unable to do college work.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
matyio said:
Lets put it this way, that'd be three days, without the ability to use my computer, to have no access to anything but my iPad, and to play nothing but iOS apps. Unable to do college work.
Well this is off topic and pointless, but I've got no art to post to re-rail..
Anyone got any? /hint


Here comes my own very blurry atempt. Will upload picture tomorrow/today
Edit: Better picture
I know I'm late, however this drawing is amazing. Extremely detailed, left me speechless. *grumble, grumble* Wish I could draw like that!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I should sleep before I draw.

I also should curb my love of dragons.

"Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
You will let me down
--------------------- down
------------------------ down"


Lord of Altera
I don't probably have time to be added to this, since I'm always insanely busy, but could there be like a list of people who do it when they get around to it? Writing's more of my thing than drawing by a long shot, but it's worth a shot, right?

Also, this'll give me a chance to improve a bit by having people criticize me. :D Cuz I'm not gonna lie, these first few will probably be ugly as


I don't probably have time to be added to this, since I'm always insanely busy, but could there be like a list of people who do it when they get around to it? Writing's more of my thing than drawing by a long shot, but it's worth a shot, right?

Also, this'll give me a chance to improve a bit by having people criticize me. :D Cuz I'm not gonna lie, these first few will probably be ugly as
Hey, that looks like me! Anyway, drawing related - I'll join as soon as I'm confident enough in my drawings to show others.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I don't probably have time to be added to this, since I'm always insanely busy, but could there be like a list of people who do it when they get around to it? Writing's more of my thing than drawing by a long shot, but it's worth a shot, right?

Also, this'll give me a chance to improve a bit by having people criticize me. :D Cuz I'm not gonna lie, these first few will probably be ugly as
Well (ignoring the fact that that's adorable) I'm glad someone gave this thread a gentle nudge, I was starting to get worried :confused: