Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Weekly artwork

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well everyone is now, or rather should be, back to school, but for a lot of people this is exam time, so I'm not sure what to do..


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ehm, something called study-evading-behavior?? What means, drawing when your motivation to study is completely down and you need to do something else before you can start studying again.
Besides, I've classes for 2 weeks first. My first test is the 22st....

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
LadyMara said:
Ehm, something called study-evading-behavior?? What means, drawing when your motivation to study is completely down and you need to do something else before you can start studying again.
Besides, I've classes for 2 weeks first. My first test is the 22st....
Also formally known as a distraction :p just got to wait for bette to ask someone now!


Roleplay keeper
Mmmh, what do you guys say? Should we take another week? Also, I think it'd be best if we make a comment thread, and then this is the artwork part..


Loyal Servant of Altera
I don't mind starting this week again, but if the others are busy with school and stuff, maybe it's better to wait till everyone has time to draw again.


Retired Staff
Or you let a subject run for two weeks, so people who have less time have more less time to complete the drawing, if that makes sense.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Exams spread out from now until June, so it would be a good idea to set up a 2 week project. Also, I don't think a seperate thread for comments is a good idea, because people might not get to hear all the compliments :)


Lord of Altera
I'll just put this (5).JPG
(Never ask me to draw a wolf from behind again .-.)
This is my very late wolf picture, I started drawing it but I got ill and I never got any motivation to finish it...but eventually I did.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Woah, computer didn't show me the pic before. Really cool backdrop. Also, wolves are hard and you did great. :) (I mean, I knew it was a wolf. )

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well bette has to ask someone, and we do that topic over the next few weeks instead; it give more people time to draw to both add detail and to not distract them (too much :p) from their exams