Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Weekly artwork


Loyal Servant of Altera
The song made my mind wander all over the place. First I thought of drawing wings, then a dream in the form of a soapbubble with wings in it, and the result was a winged figure holding a dreambubble (which I forgot to shade.. so it looks a bit flat...)
Here it is:

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I also found this song to be.. moving in weird ways, like it was always changing your image of it, but in my mind I always came back to one image..
(And I hand-drew this one, sue me :p)



Lord of Altera
I don't think I will be able to create one for this, I listened the song over and over, but can't seem to find anything, sutff's on my mind, sorry :(


Roleplay keeper
Me neither. I'm experimenting with Paint atm, I feel excuasted all the time .-. I don't feel like doing anything brain needing..


Loyal Servant of Altera
I would like to join! I'll make at least 2 weeks, I think. School might take up too much time when it starts back, though.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Baaah. I has no internets, otherwise I would be slathering myself all over this topic :I

Hopefully I'll be back in business next week...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Okay... since I don't do technological things, I made it on paint. I really wish I could scan because I like paper and pencil best, and I still don't like how this turned out. I couldn't quite recreate what I drew. :I
P.S. Happy New Year!
Sorry I didn't wait to be accepted... :p
I also had to make it smaller to upload.week 4finishedsmall.png


Lord of Altera
Okay... since I don't do technological things, I made it on paint. I really wish I could scan because I like paper and pencil best, and I still don't like how this turned out. I couldn't quite recreate what I drew. :I
P.S. Happy New Year!
Sorry I didn't wait to be accepted... :p
I also had to make it smaller to upload.View attachment 17322
This...This is brilliant. No better way to describe Christmas.


Roleplay keeper
Okey, we're sitting this on a break. A week's break :p We'll start up on monday, since everyone is going back to school soon.