Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Whitelist Application for Pylons17 [Approved- IceandFire]


Lord of Altera
About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are you?

4) Have you read our guides yet?
Spent lots of time going through everything!

5) Introduce yourself!
Hello, my name is Jessie James, and I'm 19 years old. I live in WA state, and currently attend WSU. I'm a biracial child (Filipino and Caucasian). I have two younger brothers and older brothers, and my youngest brother suggested that I join this server. I also enjoy long walks on the beach, sunsets, and frisky women. :)

6) Got any examples of your work?

I play music on my guitar, I have some drawings, and I've also written short stories and poems. However, I don't have any examples saved onto my laptop at this moment :)

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?
Yes, I explored it two years ago, and I also explored for about an hour the other night.

8) Referrer: (Optional)


About your character
Name: Orarius Azarias

Age: 27

Race: Human


5'10, beared, manly, muscular, lean, but mostly bulky. He has a workman's build, but slighter larger due to how long he's worked and how he used to fight monster.


The test

The morning was crisp and the birds were chirping and singing the songs passed down to them by their parents and great grandparents and so on. I had just awoken from sleep's crusty snare, and wiped my eyes to clean the dust. My beard had grass in it, and I looked like I had just spent three days rolling around in dirt and my own sweat. I grabbed my axe and bow, and continued my way through the woods. Never before had I been in these parts, but it was an adventure that I was willing to take on. Several hours deeper into the woods, and I found myself at an old cabin -- I could tell it was old due to the rotten roof that had halfway fallen in. I was intrigued, and ventured to go inside. I took my axe, and used it to creak the door open. It was loose, and I could smell rotten wood, mold, and death. I knew I shouldn't have gone in, but I wanted to see if there were any treasures or sights to see. I went inside and walked into the middle of the large room that is what the entire cabin consisted of. I saw the furnace that had been out for ages. I saw the different plaques on the walls. Then I saw the bed, with bloodstains scattered around it. Just at that moment, the door behind me shut tight, and laughter filled the old building. If not for the caved-in roof, I would be completely blind. But it's almost as if I wish I were, for what I saw next took my breath away. It was other-worldly. I swung my axe at a seemingly shapeless being, and it mocked. I began to panic, and ran for the door. It was stuck, and wouldn't budge. I took my axe and smashed it to bits, and ran for my life. I must have been running for nearly an hour before I stopped and turned around. I looked around me, found a small stream to replenish my fluids, and then continued home. The next day I found myself in Lydel, a small village that was occupied by Haflings. Coincidentally, my younger brother, Damon Azarias, also lived there, so I stayed with him a few days. However, on the first night of my stay, I mentioned that old cabin. I told him what I saw. He looked at me with a sobriety that I had only ever seen one other time in his eyes. He smirked, "You know, I've been hunting that witch for months now. Show me where it's at."
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The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Hi there! Everything is looking okay here, but I'm going to have to make a few requests. First off, we try and keep violent backstories to a minimum in our application process. If you could fix that up and try and remove some of the violent tendencies, that would be lovely. Also, if you could please add a bit more to your test section, as we require 400 words and you currently have 314. If you could do that, I will gladly take another look. :)


Lord of Altera
Hi there! Everything is looking okay here, but I'm going to have to make a few requests. First off, we try and keep violent backstories to a minimum in our application process. If you could fix that up and try and remove some of the violent tendencies, that would be lovely. Also, if you could please add a bit more to your test section, as we require 400 words and you currently have 314. If you could do that, I will gladly take another look. :)
I just wanted to let you know that I've edited my backstory :) It's 440 words now, and I've made it a lot less violent. If there are any more problems, please let me know!


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Apologies! Seems I missed the alert that you responded. I will finish things up here as soon as I get back to my PC :)


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.