Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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World Edit


If your looking to learn worldedit, look at two mods, WorldeditCUI and Singleplayer commands. Then go have fun practicing in Single player.


Very small but annoying job because someone decided to fill the windows with wood instead of just glass in the first place >.> I don't know how glass panes work with world it but anyways: Could I have all of the wooden windows replaced with glass panes? Cords are x2380 y90 z11840 (make sure fly is on :p)


Legend of Altera
I have an official world edit request to make for the city Aurolus. The houses of Aurolus are arranged in a curve to create a canal-like effect, and that curve is off by one block. This error increases the width of the canal, which leads to serious problems later on in the building process. Here is how I propose to fix the issue:

What I am attempting to do is move everything up one block EXCEPT the buildings boxed in this image (by "up" I mean upwards in relation to the picture, which is actually sideways in-game):
Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 2.10.18 PM.png
Because those buildings are offset by two blocks, I split the world editing load into three parts. First, we will move this section up one block:
Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 2.05.01 PM.png
Then this section up one block so it meets the first:
Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 2.06.39 PM.png
Then finally the same for this section:
Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 2.08.17 PM.png
Sorry for the repetitive pictures, I know nothing about photo editing so I just made some crude boxes on Preview.
I hope my description wasn't overly confusing... I think it'd be best for whichever admin takes this job to meet me in-game to discuss how this should be done. Thanks.



Retired Staff
I have an official world edit request to make for the city Aurolus. The houses of Aurolus are arranged in a curve to create a canal-like effect, and that curve is off by one block. This error increases the width of the canal, which leads to serious problems later on in the building process. Here is how I propose to fix the issue:

What I am attempting to do is move everything up one block EXCEPT the buildings boxed in this image (by "up" I mean upwards in relation to the picture, which is actually sideways in-game):
View attachment 22006
Because those buildings are offset by two blocks, I split the world editing load into three parts. First, we will move this section up one block:
View attachment 22008
Then this section up one block so it meets the first:
View attachment 22011
Then finally the same for this section:
View attachment 22012
Sorry for the repetitive pictures, I know nothing about photo editing so I just made some crude boxes on Preview.
I hope my description wasn't overly confusing... I think it'd be best for whichever admin takes this job to meet me in-game to discuss how this should be done. Thanks.

I'll claim it. Coming on now to do it for you.


I was once admin on a server long ago, with WE.

NEVER. Ever. Give me //wand
And NEVER let me WE ever again.

I learnt. Still bad at it.
In better news, I killed many griefers.


I may have flooded a map with lava... Slightly... A lot...
No.....I might have....kind of....
Here's a list:

-Turned Spawn Into Nothing But Melons.
-Put A Large Wall Around Spawn (made of bedrock) So No One Can Escape.
-When Trying To Move A City, I Put The City ONTOP Of The City I Was Moving, Killing Griefs (It was called Grief city) In Walls.
-Tested A TNT Sphere....The Same Thing Happened And The 'Blowing Up Of Daggerfall'.
-Much Much More


Loyal Servant of Altera
All i need is an airship with the dimensions: Height 24 blocks Width: 13 blocks Length: 45 blocks to be moved to a different place in my town because its currently over a castle someone else is building. Thankyou!