Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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World Edit


Loyal Servant of Altera
All i need is an airship with the dimensions: Height 24 blocks Width: 13 blocks Length: 45 blocks to be moved to a different place in my town because its currently over a castle someone else is building. Thankyou!
Someone please help me! Its been a while since i posted this!


Retired Staff
Is now stickied.

If anybody still has a request open, please use the ticket forum from now on.


Korog's chest has been filled, event prepared for post-exodus world.
Connor Fact #42 - Korog is the best god in the world of Altera. Without craft and ale, where would the world be?
Nowhere. In fact, I would happily (spoilers of future char.) play a dwarf who is devoted to creating new things and old things, be it iron nails for buildings, crowns for future kings, or redstone devices that may one day destroy elf-kind, just to prove that by following the will of Korog, life itself can achieve better potential.
Once more, Huzzah!

/re-rail. Sorry, I love making compliments about things, people and gods.