Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some changes in the new world. [Please read]


Lord of Altera
I don't mind him saying no, but a reason would make a bit of sense. A certain time limit doesn't really affect it much because many fantasy things don't state their time.


Non sum qualis eram
We are enforcing a strict timeline so we know what to approve and what not to, to have a consistent vision and treatment of technology.

If we make an exception, we do, but we picked the time for a reason.


Lord of Altera
Sorry if I'm not making things clear, it's just that machinery(such as in Skyrim) doesn't follow a timeline, so you may want to consider another form of management for it for the mechanics that come from a fantasy era.


Non sum qualis eram
Afaik, it is, for now. But no promises on it staying that way. Vanilla MC can always do things we disagree with.


So at this point in time yes but if vanilla changes it may be no?
If that is correct does that mean everything right now will be allowed?


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
On a more positive note - I can swear to you that horses will not be a donation perk.


Burner of Worlds
On a more serious note it means people could have eyeglasses but not telescopes, mechanical clocks and hourglasses but not pocket watches and blast furnaces but not rolling presses (so no sheet metal). Also the printing press was in existence in 1439.


Burner of Worlds
The specific thing I chose as a point where to cutoff, too. 1438, then. :D
Well he was sued in 1439 by the relatives of his business partner to whom he owed a load of money. The lawsuit mentions that he had used the money to buy large quantities of lead and printing materials. So presumably he had a printing press of some kind before that date. He introduced moveable type about a decade later.


Non sum qualis eram
Basically, the temporal cutoff we're using is:

Just after invention of plate armor, just before invention of printing press.

Mass-production of books is not something within the server vision. That's the job of scribes.