Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Altera: The Exodus - Promotional Video

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The Bearded Man
Put me down for one of the 'defenders' just let me know where / when you need me. Any chance of getting an idea of what times you'll usually be recording?
well, recordings will be at different times. but i live in Texas, I'm usually on between 9am to 9pm at random times.


The Bearded Man
Also if you want to do recording make sure that the resolution in 1280 x 720p. Minecraft in FULL screen(F11 mode). I use Fraps to record. NO sound cause i'm going to edit to have music and theme to it.

Send the video cut to


The Bearded Man
We are looking for 5+ warriors for the gate 2 of em rangers posted on the sides.

we want a lot of people for the running.... all in random races of village clothing. nothing fancy skins.

I asked Cubey to be the demon to pop out of the portal and spawn a few monsters. I'm trying to talk to Ikbenlars about adding the plugin where you disguise people and make em look like zombie and pigman to kinda chase and kill some of the people.

We also need 2 types of towns.

1 -
A town that has Medieval setting no corruption(we can build it ourselves if we have to) with farm, small marketplace, cathedral/church. SMALL town. just for the beginning of the video.

2 -
A town that looks like it's being rebuilt, NOT MINECRAFT way... but like having pulleys and like real life equip trying to start a new town. Having people move around the area acting like they are doing something :)


Lord of Altera
HW texturepack should be used!
Dedicated pack or not, Many people hate textures and use default. Or usually, A simplistic pack, If they want a true medieval pack, They download 268x or 518x Medieval pack. Cold truth.


Real life redstone crafter
Dedicated pack or not, Many people hate textures and use default. Or usually, A simplistic pack, If they want a true medieval pack, They download 268x or 518x Medieval pack. Cold truth.
Are we promoting HW with this video or not?! ;)


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
We are a medieval server, the video has to look medieval. A medieval texturepack helps doing this.
This world looks horrible with the pale default textures, but great with the HW pack.

TBH, I can't watch videos with the default pack. It reminds me how ugly the game actually is... ;)


I think my crawler of doom may move out of PS for temporary if you're doing film..


Loyal Servant of Altera
It's nothing against you, this is just a video that shows roleplaying and hollow world as itself. Hollow World is meant to be played with its texture pack, weather people do that or not is up to them but this will show people that the texture pack is ours and this is how our server looks like with it!
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