Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Chapter Two] The Perfect Storm


Non sum qualis eram
...Would have had easier time in maze with less people - I know at least once I missed an intersection and labeled something as "Fully explored" when it was not due to peopleswarm.

I think I killed 4 or so people by accidentally oneshotting with bare hands trying to clean up glowstone. Mea culpa.


Lord of Altera
Is it possible Eller was amongst the crowd because i could not follow as it was very late for me and i wanted to sleep? Like, i don't want to wait a whole day to be revived simply because i logged off.


The rosiest of forests.
I loved it! The only bad thing was the few relogs I had to do because Minecraft hates me, but that was to no fault of the event. :D My character progressed and met new friends as well as people in general while she was carried around like a princess.~ The maze... was scary. I did get lost many a time.