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Eimar Chisholm


Lord of Altera
Again off my thread pls I don't need everyone's two cents as I said send me a inbox don't fill up my thread​


Lord of Altera
Looking back a moment reflections upon Eimar and Where I'd thought he'd be. When I first made him I thought he would be a body guard to the twins from kyro and work for the bloody coin.he was of common standing and background nothing special.eventually I thought he would marry Lizzy and settle down in riddleport and raise a family.but things happen as they do and with great immense patience from fae fae I eventually became one of her first among others norvag heritage accepted chars. He than joined house lonmar than life got busy. Now that I've come back I never thought he'd marry or have kids.I was going to play him as a older wiser forest elf who didn't speak much and observed a lot. But that didn't last long when he met Rebecca he took sympathy on her and tried to right the wrongs ,than he was invited to praelidum to see it and after some vodka.the two started to see each other after about a month they started to court seriously, and he came to find out she was pregnate after nine months the twins were born and now he's happily married to her.all the while serving the jarl even if she is being a little devil at time to him lol changed immensely I did not see him ending up here but I'm.happy


Lord of Altera

The wind around Eimar flapped and ragged about himself,causing his cloak to shift and move as he stood up in one of the newer completed towers of the keep.His braided raven hair framed his green eyes as he looked out and over into the valley beyond the town.

He breathed in deep the cold winter air taking it in deep and slow,the sheer coldness of it stung his throat.But he didn't mind this was the air like the land he grew up in Avalorn he welcomed the coldness of it. He gently pulled up the hood of his cloak over his elvish ears before crossing his arms over his body staring out like a lone statue.

His new cloths were very finely made yet did not air any form of extravagance instead it spoke volumes. They spoke of a simplicity yet spoke of a finer wealth behind them,completely white trimmed in a deep sage forest green.The red wolf head upon his chest was changed,it now had a wolf prowling under, an upraised stag. Both a deep red his cloak was now a pure snow white the inside still lined with wolf fur.

The belt that held his sword was more finely done as well of a richer leather held together with a simple golden clasp. Someone had asked him what was the point of dressing in such a way and he had only smiled softly and informed them. That while him and Rebecca had money and lands it was not to be spent on themselves but their people.He dressed this way to show that yes their new position demanded some sort of finer cloths but not to radiate that wealth and power is all they cared for.

A landholder had obligations to run and manage the lands to make sure the people were taken care of. That tax revenue was returned spent back upon the people and the upkeep of the hold fast as a whole. This is what he believed in that his people and his loves would be protected and held dear no life to overly spent. In so doing he trusted his Jarl to make sure he didnt step out of bounds or across a line and help guide him along his path.
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Lord of Altera

Eimar sat down his back leaning against the castle wall he looked up at the statue of the dragon admiring it as he smiled lightly, the twins stirring in his arms lightly as he looked down at them. These two wonderful amazing children that him and rebecca had brought into this world, so alike in every way it was hard to tell them apart by just sight alone. Two more small bundles stirred next to him a small red headed child and a raven haired elven child four children he had to look over in his life to set and example for.

The path he walked in life was a fraught one in his path but he could no longer walk such a childish and up stirred life, he needed to be here for these children, though he himself would outlive his loving wife by many years and see his great grandchildren walk the earth. He watched as one of the servants came over and gathered the two by his feet and carried them off to bed, both fussing lightly.

Eimar stood with his two kids and handed them off to a pair of another servants as a captain walked up Eimar motioned him lightly as they walked inside the guard tower and proceeded to head up to the top of it as they came to the top they looked out at the outer walls that were undergoing construction.

"You know when my cousin called me over to help him with the Empire he was furious and distraught over his mistreatment by them." Eimar sighed lightly as the captain listened

Eimar crossed his arms looking down out over the town now his emerald green eyes admiring it. "I tried to reason caution not to attack them but prepare his defenses just in case, Not to provoke them, To seek guidance of the Shallerana priestess Vivian and seek a peaceful means to end it all. You know what I admire the most Captain I admire not the man that draws his sword to fight, bu Admire a man who knows when to sheath his sword to save lives. A slight shouldn't be forgotten but remembered and written down passed onto the next generations. That way history of how a nation and region or family acts is remembered, but we should not let the mistakes of others blind us." Eimar spoke softly as the cold northerly winds blew his fur cape fluttering lightly as it passed by.

The moon emerged wistfully from the clouds its tender moon beams emerging from the clouds to caress Eimar's face. "I myself know all to well the want and love to fight I followed Skiera for a long time fought to defend the house Cromarcky, the forests and plains of Shallerana's realm." his fingers gently ran over the sword at his hip "I choose that life to forsake the path of Shallerana so that my children could walk in peace, It is not a life I wish for them in this time, I want them to wlak the forests and lands of my elven brethren in her light. But as well walk the path under the watch of the guardian and dragon like my father. They are unuiqe in that they are from two worlds a Norvag and a Elven one" he spoke softly smiling before nodding to the captain as the pair stood in silence a quiet understanding bonding them both.