Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished Festival of Embers


Lord of Altera
*drinks and dances at party in spirit, everyone at the party feels like they can drink just a little more than usual with the Blessing of Beledrent! (circle with the tm representing copyrighted)


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Any right gang, I wanted to make a post here.

+ T H E R I D D L E +
Q: “From home I went, from home I made my way, I saw a road of roads, and a road under them, and a road over them, and a road on all sides, guess what I had to cross.”
A: A River.

This riddle was taken from a Norse poem, where King Heidrek and Gestumbindi. The King is upset with him and wishes to execute him, Gestumbindi made a sacrficice to Odin, asking for his help, Odin arrives and pretends to be Gestumblindi and the King challanges him to a contest in widsom.

You can read about the Hervarar Saga Here

+ T H A N K Y O U+

I wanted to thank everyone who attended the event and struck with it even though my internet was crashing every few moments. If you guys didn't come to the event, it wouldn't of lasted nearly as long (3 Hours!) and honestly would of crashed within minutes, because it was a event that relaid heavily on characters being social and getting into trouble. I'm very happy with the results I cannot wait for the next event we can hold in Myrneth!

Special thanks to;
@Cukie1 For being my second hand lady this whole time, and dealing with my insane plans and never-ending talking about it.
@Princess Wizard Laura For gathering resources, offering advice, and gathering me a crapton of fireworks for free.
@Faelin For suggesting having a Festival of Embers in the first point, and allowing me to (Hopefully) followed your lore and was the way you wrote it.​