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Based on what?
Retired Staff
Oh before I start- No longer a grave walker. Died to Mind-Det rolls trying to relight the silver star. statistically unlikely with 10 dice but it is what it is. Not sure if I'd go back to it but I am open to anything. I debated going vyre again and trying to steal ranks to consumed. But the more I thought about it while that may be easy from an OOC perspective. I wouldn't want to piss off the vyre players from their hard earned ranks.

Frost has an adopted child now who is a very promising student who over achieves. Frost has also gotten her soul back and fully healed, and is pretty much where she started thanks to the actions of other players. She's taken on a water elemental to explore, and has hence determined while She can go to hell for events, She really doesn't like to. (OOC: I still may, though it's not something I want to go out of the way to exasperate) She's worked really hard, and is working on A few things presently. Frost is not the best parent and while she's happy to have another student and person to impress upon She's still slowed down. Doesn't really pull her in and sometimes she butts heads now that that child is a young adult.

1. Grey Lady offerings

Frost Decided to inherit the will of Raelur in the fact that she wishes to empower winter. She's not really sure how to get there but left her magic cult in an aim to repent. She wants an actual non cult grace and it is something that may take real life years.

She recently made an Eizholz Great sword. A master carving item which should only be masterworked. The larger tools are exclusive to the frostlight faction and I would have made them sooner, but was waiting on things to be ironed out behind the curtain. She'll likely make more for GL and her followers but I intend them to all be mw.

2. Joined a cult.

Recently joined a korogite cult under Si10k Faith called the underforge. We're still figuring things out OOC but it's been pretty exciting. I was nervous to Rp the Mantle boon out, but it's just made her a little more loud and wider. I'll be working with them OOC to teach them the ropes on things as well, including material gathering

3. From Village to township

So Frostlight's expansion is still as slow as ever. But I've been trying to bring in some stuff to make it feel cozy for people. There is still alot of stuff to do and alot of builds to still move around But I wanted to talk about it here as the region itself is something close to me. I had to make the call to hold off the Wall again, so I'm a little hesitant to go too ham on it. but It's shaping up pretty well right now. I don't think my OCD perfectionist will happy with whatever the end product looks like. but it's still something I'm happy to call my own. The builds are expanding. We've got a church that I may have to retrofit for non special blocks, and depending on RP decoration And large expansion of homes and shops, some of them I will admit come pre decorated because I was fond of how they were on the schematic. A defunct server that dropped from existance was something a community member forwarded a map of- and early frostlight builds were based upon it. I talked with one of the old owners of that city OOC for permission and while I am not rebuilding the same city Alot of the builds are something I don't think I could replicate on my own. My favorite one has to be the Tavern. There is space for a barkeep there and whoever claims it would get to live in a joined house. I feel cozy in there, and I think it's the sort of large build I can see a DM enjoying as well. My biggest concern is terraforming. Frostlight is built into hills where the original city was more flat, but also had alot of buildings snowed in. we're not entirely flat, so thus far the idea has been to build first, and then patch up my mistakes with terraforming by asking my crew nicely.

I did use alot of custom heads, but what was interesting is that through this entire ordeal, I got to learn lite matica. I feel like it has alot of useful tools that can make larger more complicated builds alot easier. But I will admit, because I am using builds that are not mine. I don't think I would want Frostlight submitted into any competitions for builds. But I will vouch that it is invaluable. I like how I can rotate a build so it's front door would face the road organically.

I only intend to possibly build one or two more builds from it, But the most exciting thing that happened was I could build someone's old home from what was their home server. Something that was important to them. I'm still really happy about that.

Another thing that I mulled over recently was that I could have another region for the vault concepts I wish to plan on. I might build a larger tower from a schematic and have more divine cult things going on there. There was a few reasons for this choice but the big one was that It would be more private, and would be a place I could plan out the vaults a little easier and not have anyone bother me. I think I may end up building the conquest texture pack room- A room where everyone can preview item skins. The vaults themselves I wish to make a thing that would not see IC use until they're full of gear. Really really good gear.

I've also thought about something mildly interesting for the vaults. but we'll wait and see. Best laid plans and whatnot.

Oh, I may try to write more books, But it'll probably be about Frost's early experiences as a character and Magic in general.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
I like listening to people talk about their characters.
So tell me about yours, or someone else's.

Tell me little details like physical tics for when they're happy, uncomfortable, angry, lying, determined, anything.
Tell me about things they do when nobody is around, or when they're most comfortable.
Tell me about the way they think or view something, and where that's come from.
Tell me why they speak or act the way they do today, what has affected that.
Tell me what has lead the character to be this exact character today.
Tell me what you're most proud of in the character.
Tell me anything you want to highlight.

Tell me about the character.

I've grown tired of hearing "who asked?" or "sorry I'm rambling" when somebody is going on about their characters and interesting details.

I asked.
I want to know.
Show me how cool your characters are, I wanna know more.

View attachment 130751
Okay Leofwine is one of my most expressive characters when it comes ot specfic stuff they do, mostly because he is my latest character and well I've gotten better at rp BUT Going piece by piece (Thought it probably won't be as long as some of these cause well... Hes like a few months old.) Also known as 'He doesn't deserve this :C'

Tell me little details like physical tics for when they're happy, uncomfortable, angry, lying, determined, anything

Okay Leofwine is one of my most expressive characters when it comes to specfic stuff they do, mostly because he is my latest character and well I've gotten better at rp BUT Going piece by piece
When hes incredibly nervous about something, he tends to scratch his ear scar. Which the top part was bitten off while protecting Xiqu, weird right? But that was the first big thing he did that he was /sure/ of, the first big thing that he made the choice to do because he felt it was right, so when he does get nervous like talking to people who scare him some or when hes unsure he'll scratch it. Which he did when it had the stitches in and Xiqu would get onto him for doing we're going off track but y'know... BUT back on why he scratches it is because being reminded that he has the will to do right. (I'm sure that barely makes sense but y'know my brain is a forever winding trail and If I had the brain power to explain well, I would. Just imagine that it makes total sense lol)

Tell me about things they do when nobody is around, or when they're most comfortable.

Okay, this will need to explain leofwine more. He is not fluent in common nor can he read it but thats another aisle entirely, But he talks alot with 'ehs' which is him trying to find the right word in common. If anyone has ever talked to him in Rede he never says eh because he knows his words (He almost sounds smart too!) But so that tends to give him this look of a nervous guy who doesn't know how to talk that well, but when hes somewhere comfortable like at home or around good friends it sort of just... Flows? He doesn't worry about saying the wrong words because he knows they'll understand him, this is basically doubled when hes with Xiqu who hes completely comfortable around.

Tell me about the way they think or view something, and where that's come from.

Leofwine has a bad view about how... Everyone is nice, and if they aren't they have the chance to change. Where it comes from... I have no idea he is just really nice and naive I guess.

Tell me why they speak or act the way they do today, what has affected that.

Well, hes an idiot some what atleast. He has a horrible history of 'Lets do this' and coming out wounded (Some Xiqu once more gets onto him for). But with Xiqu's help hes being less of an idiot /mostly/ hes still Leofwine so he'll still do the occasional stupid thing but hes less prone to it.
Unlike injuries... Leofwine has a horrible track record of coming out of a fight horrifically wounded specially when it comes to hell. Leofwine has slowly become more and more... Scared? might not be the right word but he has minor shellshock, not enough to make him avoid combat or even try and stop going to hell but enough to where he'll have... Moments of just zoning out or seeing something y'know how it is.

Tell me what has lead the character to be this exact character today.

Considering hes still a relatively new character we'll see if this changes, but hes about the same since he starts just a bit more traumatized

Tell me what you're most proud of in the character.

I'm proud that Leofwine has just been a really nice character, hes developed nicely so far and has a great life so far. (So... Far.)

Tell me anything you want to highlight.

He is (Not fully intentional) slowly looking like guts, right eye missing, lost his left arm from the elbow down (been replaced with a form arm) and well uses big ass sword lol.
( also GOD DAMN THIS LONGER THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS, also not I will not be reviewing this so all mistakes are totally on purpose)


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Albert is crippled/lacks both of his legs because he refuses for his legs to be restored by arcane sorcery even when there are an abundant number of people that could do it that way, but would rather wait for someone from the pantheon to fix him. Which there are an incredibly scarce number of people of. As far as I know, only two characters. One of which is an agent against his faith.

Albert used to make his tinkered items from abyssal silver and ember steel alloy when he was still under a demon contract. He now makes them from hellmetal and silver which are components needed to make the aforementioned resources. It's a neat remark about his former self that reminds everyone around him of his past, including keeping his horns for all to see. In a way of holding true to his beliefs in Ignis dictated by the nine tenets of the Codex of Ash. To not hide anything, even if it's incredibly shameful and hurtful to speak of and hence using household items, clothes, jewerly and colors to kind of tell everyone.


Loyal Servant of Altera
This seems fun, why the hell not?

Tell me little details like physical tics for when they're happy, uncomfortable, angry, lying, determined, anything.

Instead of smiling Faith usually smirks, though she tends to get excited when it comes to helping people. This can make her be seen as creepy. She is my most verbal character if something makes her uncomfortable, she expresses it. The first big thing she has really done is go to hell to take her friends place after the death of Vowrawn and Leofwine as her friends. Two of them were going as her greatest fear is losing people again, this causes Faith to get determine and anxious when they get hurt such as this time Xiqu is crippled so Faith has been working for two nights straight then resting. I don't know how Faith is going to react when she is rather angry just yet. She has not gotten to that point and is more neutral about everything going as far as killing people in a fight to protect others. She sees it as life always trying to get a better point. When it comes to lying, she is not the best at it.

Tell me about things they do when nobody is around, or when they're most comfortable.

It really depends on which location, there is some points where Faith does not feel the safest at. If it's in a hot climate she tends to get flashbacks and is not comfortable. But when she is these rare climates Faith begins to bake or draw. She likes to keep these type of hobbys hidden from the friend group.

Tell me about the way they think or view something, and where that's come from.

Faith is a strong believer that if you do something wrong and don't try to fix it you deserve to get yourself beat or locked away for awhile depending on what exactly you did. You can be a good person without making it your entire personality. Though one thing she hates is when people insult other peoples work such as a half wave once making a wheelchair once.

Tell me why they speak or act the way they do today, what has affected that.

That there is always a fight to happen due to previous incidents she always assumes there is a pickle after the next which makes her sound like a warmonger almost especially as she is working on Siege engineering. Faith is not to let people be as long as they're not harming anyone even if she does not like them. Faith is stubborn in her beliefs about the world and getting things done as her projects. She can be seen as a jitterbug and see's people getting hurt as her splitting up from the group or a shield not doing some of it's job sometimes.

Tell me what has lead the character to be this exact character today.

The fighting and situations she has went to fore violent events. She is more of a selfless character going as far as learning alchemy. She doesn't want others to stress about what they need. So, she tends to say she will make you something such as alchemy for a bone elixir even though she is not advanced enough for that. It's definetly intresting to see if other peoples characters are patient or not. An example of this as one of Faith's goals is to help Albert get his legs back or to find someone to give him his legs back that he will accept their help. Though it can be difficult as Faith is a bit of a weird character so it's intresting to have others to interact with Faith for talking.

Tell me what you're most proud of in the character.

Most likely starting a guild, town, and a cult. I got frost in it and I got a list of events in a google doc for events. I'm also proud of how Faith has a friend group, they can be a bit funny when it comes down to it. Even once having an NPC help pick on one of them in a event which is hilarious. It's hard to find dynmanics like that in servers sometimes that just go smoothly.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Tell me little details like physical tics for when they're happy, uncomfortable, angry, lying, determined, anything.
Often I’ll emote Crow tapping his rings against a glass he holds when in some sort of thoughtful conversation. One thing he always does is rest his hand on the pommel of his sword sheathed at his left - that’s synonymous with my Asero entrance emote.

Tell me about things they do when nobody is around, or when they're most comfortable.
Most likely? Asero would be exercising, practicing form, and studying different things while off-screen… but, honestly Asero is a very forthright character, he is very much the same in public and in private.

Tell me about the way they think or view something, and where that's come from.
Those who knew Asero forever know he had a strict no-kill rule for the longest time (there was only one exception, which weighed heavy on him: Southgate).This philosophy was because he believed in redemption.

That, however, has changed: he’s willing and ready to kill now. He’s seen too many people suffer, both this close to him and innocent strangers. He’s also never seen redemption play out. So, it seems like a lost cause, and the greater good seems to require evil to be killed and not given a second chance to spread chaos again.

Tell me why they speak or act the way they do today, what has affected that.
Much of this is covered below. But certainly, being around royalty and lordship for the bulk of his adult life after growing up on the streets, that striking contrast has helped form his view of the world. He likes being rich. He doesn’t like politics or the superiority complex that those with flashy titles often have. If he didn’t dive into politics, he would likely be a very different person.

Tell me what has lead the character to be this exact character today.
Honestly, the single most important “moment” for Asero was the Forlorn campaign… so it was actually an era, not a moment. This series of events is what really matured Asero, got him the most intense fighting experience, put him on a part-scholar path, and led him to form important relationships.

Maturation… Crow watched how Ashna led Linlea and helped to protect refugees. He saw hard choices being made. He saw allies falling ill with the Ashen Blight, and how it affected everyone around them. One memorable battle is when ships of Blight-affected people landed at Linlea’s docks, a horde of people gone out their mind from the disease - but still people. Asero fought to subdue, not to kill, even if it meant his arm almost being chopped off by an axe.

Fighting… where to start? Seeing such a variety of beasts and creatures, learning how to fight different things, adapting your strategy. Most importantly, fighting with a group and, on the flip side, holding your own. Oh, and getting punched in the face by a golem (for lack of better word) so hard that it broke his helm and led to the various facial scars he has today. This was all before Crow was sparked - he worked on his longsword and crossbow skills, but alongside that, became more in awe with the power of Eviscism due to the many Eviscists fighting alongside him.

Part-scholar… Asero comes off as a simple warrior upon first glance. But he is more than that - during the Blight is when he found his interest in scholarly pursuits and expanded his horizons. He performed dissections on mysterious creatures puppeteered by Qlippoth, and to this day, he regularly puts on the gloves and apron to better understand the creatures he kills. He also saw how experienced scholars researched cures to the Blight - a process he learned from, as he would later go on to discover a cure to the Pox Arcana during that disease outbreak. Lastly, he saw the science of alchemy: with no teacher readily available, he began to teach himself, and became one of the few master alchemists after-the-fact.

Relationships… Crow met a lot of people during the quarantine in Linlea. Of course, that’s where he met Laisa, who became his wife (and then his ex-wife). He met Star, a young warrior who left a massive imprint on Crow after her untimely death. He also met Fronslin - Crow had just gotten dumped by Queen Citrine, Frons’ granddaughter, so the initial interactions were awkward. But they got to know each other more, fought together more, and eventually Asero even would join a fighting guild that Fronslin helped create. This particular friendship still persists - when Asero returned, Frons was Frost, but after overcoming the initial shock, he found himself closer to his old friend than he’d ever been before.

Tell me what you're most proud of in the character.
Killing a dragon.

Of course, there’s more to the story than just that - but the entire experience was incredibly memorable. Shooting at the Blight Dragon with a scorpion to knock it out of the sky; saving his future mother-in-law’s life in the middle of the fight; finally, getting the killing blow on the dragon: a sufficient stab in the right side of its neck.

I’m proud of Asero’s alchemy progress, too. At the time, self-learning wasn’t a thing - I worked with staff to create a roll-based learning system and spent months learning every single potion. Before the crafting system was introduced, Asero was essentially the only active master alchemist in the realm, since others had gone inactive. He taught multiple students during this time, which led to sweet RP with Lana, Woven, Fronslin, and others.

Last thing I’ll mention in here - I’m proud of his come up. When I started playing Asero, he was a homeless, 18 year old street urchin. No gear, no money, and definitely no rizz. Absolutely no rizz. He met someone he became life-long friends with - Edger - and that friend told Crow about a job opportunity: become a guard for the Wise Empire, a collective of regions that encompassed the lower third of the continent and were ruled by Remi Wise of House Wise. Alright, sure - Crow and Edger become guards at the palace. Flash forward a few months, Asero is rising up the ranks - Remi makes him the Master of Coin and grants him a plot of land (Cape Crow). He’s managing the expenses and expansion of an Empire. Soon he’s making political moves: forming the Southern Alliance, which was a handshake between Wise, Astrakhan, and Mockingbay to join forces against Queensport. Next, Asero’s on a boat with Remi, the second-in-command on a naval assault on Queensport.

The empire falls… Asero leaves. He sees a city being rebuilt: Veraci. Sure, let’s do it all over again. He becomes Minister of Trade on the basis of his past experience, aiding Rogerius, the ruler, in rebuilding the city. Not too long after, Asero is on the throne, ruling with Roger as an advisor.

Then he gets disillusioned with politics, the inability to do much of anything due to bureaucracy, and he gets a memory-erasing brain worm… leading to his disappearance. When he returns, he refuses to take back his titles, instead wishing to live as a free agent. No Sir, no Lord, or Warden: just Asero Crow.

(we don’t talk about his ongoing stint as a Storm’s Landing counselor. That was only supposed to last 4 months…)

Tell me anything you want to highlight.

I’m not sure what to highlight. I’m enjoying playing Asero again, and I hope to do more cool shit soon!


Lord of Altera
Events Staff

Henry is a silly little guy.
Henry is heavily autism coded, all my characters are. Hm wonder what that says about me.
Henry's growing up had incredible education, but he got bored with the overwhelming focus on the theoretical. Being a rich kid in early years, he never was a allowed a hands on approach to science, since that's for our servants to do. Now with Fi, he does a lot of experiments he wasn't allowed to conduct before.

Henry is also basically a rich kid, that was orphaned, kidnapped and adopted by Fi.

He trained fencing in his younger years which I wanna expand. His weapon of choice: rapier.

He also needs glasses. Please, any ornamentalists reading this. Help.

In the future he'll basically be a workaholic.
Also in the future he'll invent the idea of a steam engine, but when he builds it fails. It should've worked, the science aligns, the gods outside the 4rth wall just decided it wasn't working.

I also plan on making him mundane, relying more on his potions and skill than magic.

The colors for his profile I got from asking myself what I ask myself whenever I choose a characters color. What their pokemon type? his is normal.

Henry's themes go hard. X

I made the picture on his profile all oil paintings to fit his noble background, aswell added definitions to show the characters affinity for knowledge. Show don't tell.


I think I might like it here
My characters are the holy trinity of alignments, I’ve got the psychotic trauma bird, the wants to be good but trouble always finds him, and the mentally falling and trying to fix (WIP), so, yeah… trauma characters, all due to a stupid knot.


Lord of Altera
Yrdl scratches his jaw when he's nervous or unsure.

He Loves honey.

Growing up Yrdl had no self awareness when physically greeting characters. This ended up with people having crushed, broken hands from intense handshakes or broken ribs from hugging. He also accidentally killed a guy in a spar because he didn't restrain himself. Though he has since learned restraint, he now avoids touching people if at all possible. Genuinely concerned he will accidentally hurt or kill someone again. So if he does touch someone, it's a big deal and usually comes from a place of respect or deep adoration. Believing them strong enough to handle it.

This folds into the above. Despite being a natural born Earthspawn, he actually is incredibly gentle and kind. He prefers to avoid bloodshed if it can be helped, believing all life is precious until provoked. This wasn't initially apart of his design, but developed over RP with characters like Fern and Quill, especially during Quill's early formistry days. The poor flowers and grass... That said, events showed him he is quite blessed at ending life. (Will never forget Jaden and Liz's reactions after the war.) So he believes if violence has to be had? It should be done so swiftly so peace can return faster. He does not negotiate with real threats.

He is incredibly spiritual.

Now I've blabbered on enough. Most of Yrdl's secrets are his to keep, but I will divulge one that I'm not sure anyone knows.

Some are aware of how seriously Yrdl took (takes) his life as one of the few remaining Earthspawn in existence. That said there are four people in his life who he would willingly, without a second thought, permanently destroy his own soul for if it meant them finding true lasting happiness.
All but one of these was decided even before the pit, when the Hakiaz were all that was left and he was one of a handful remaining.

Find out IC


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Frost is busy preparing for coronation in Mockingbay, But has recently finally finished up the majority of her Hell fighting projects.

I'll be putting out a more official IC thing soon, but outside of extra healing items, Frost has access to the means of making a completely mundane fighter ready to go fight in hell. This isn't something that happens overnight, but it's been a very long project in the making and we're just now here after 2-3 years at the end.

I know alot of old friends and Frostlighters aren't exactly lingering around at the moment, But I do want both regions to eventually see some spurts of activity.

Also, As far as her current thoughts, She's wondering how a recent divine scism will play out, but it ultimately doesn't concern her. I whole heartedly believe OOC that her picking a side would sort of ruin the fun of it. I've also sort of realized that I like playing her as a background character. That said, She would probably act on a more mortal based threat if the right people asked her.
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