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Languages of the Northern Kingdoms


Magus of Nothing
Greyling tongue can be learnt... If you manage to teach the greyling common, which as it is a language of a lesser race is not going to be easy. You then have to get said greyling to like you... Near impossible. Even then he will only teach you a few key phrases, which you will struggle with due to your inferior mouth structure.


Lord of Altera
I think learning possibility should be judged on whether one can physically use it, not whether a member of the race is willing to teach one or not.


Magus of Nothing
In that case it is possible to learn, but your inferior mouth structure will struggle.


Lord of Altera
MY inferior mouth? MY inferior mouth!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! How dare-


Please say whose inferior mouth you're talking about- is the language for the race in question only, or are there exceptions?


The Kingdom Crusher
Unofficial language of my tribe: Engem. It can be learnt. If you don't add unofficial languages, forget that I was ever here... *Get's ready to poof*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Can other races learn this language?
Hate to tell the truth but there is no official Earthspawn language... in fact the lore says the most common Earthspawn language is ... Common... Not very well spoken Common mind... Earthspawnian is not an official language and I believe my friend Aerogor has mixed our lore up with that of over games. Earthspawn tend to speak Common BUT each Earthspawn Tribe tends to have its own language. These are harsh sounding and often hard to learn unless spoke by a member of that tribe.

The only current Earthspawn tribe is Earkz'Dok.
The Earthspawn tribe Earkz'Dok speak Earkzian a harsh language that can only be taught to Earkz'Dok members.
(EDIT:That means unless my character/Or any Earkz'Dok member who has already learnt it teaches it you, you don't know it... All Earkz'Dok members are taught this language and we will not share it with non-Earthspawn unless we see fit)
(Edit2: We are currently polishing off the final aspects of the language and a link will be up soon)


Magus of Nothing
MY inferior mouth? MY inferior mouth!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! How dare-


Please say whose inferior mouth you're talking about- is the language for the race in question only, or are there exceptions?
Let me find the lore extract...

"It is thought that no human has ever learned the Greyling tongue beyond guessing a few overheard phrases and words."


Lord of Altera
Sorry, I thought you meant it in a physical "cannot learn it" way. If it's physically learn-able, then humans can learn it. If, say, a race has a certain part in their voice box that only that race has, and this part is vital to speaking the language, that is when another race cannot learn it.


Lord of Altera

I dunno...

Perhaps if there's a lot more information about each language, I might. All ya need to do is PM owners of the race, and give them a template(I love templates) for the info you need. Then we'll know the same about all the races. The template could include:
  • Is your language openly spoken by its race in public?
  • Do any other races speak your language fluently, or usually know it?
  • Are there any physical requirements to speaking your language?
  • Are there any texts in which your language can be learnt by non-speakers?
Simply put, the more information we have for it the better. Then I'll be able to sticky it.