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[NationStates] War! Carausmia vs Upresh


Lord of Altera
Map Update:
View attachment 60760
Change Log:

> Southern jungles held by Upresh.
> Upreshian forces added.
> Visualization adjusted to show circles instead of lines for displaying units. Civilization style.

Let me know what you think of the new "Civ" style for showing units. Considering the map uses hexes, I thought it would be fitting to go full civilization and place units by the hex rather than by the line. Of course, all of this is just for simplicity's sake so I'm not drawing with an insane amount of detail.

One of the benefits of using a "Civ" style for showing units is that it is easier to determine how many units each nation has. Under this method, I have assumed that each nation has one unit for approximately every ten points on its Defense Forces stat. This would give Carausmia 7 units, Upresh 4 units, Legisa 8 units, and Natrizima 10 units.

Currently, I have all 4 Upreshian units in the south to conduct guerrilla warfare on the transportation routes. 4 Natrizima units are stationed by the eastern city, as per their campaign. 4 Legisan units are in the northwest along the border, as per their campaign. This allocation theoretically leaves Legisa with 4 more units and Natrizima with 6 more units. However, I would imagine that neither nation would contribute all of their units to this war. As you can see on the map, for example, I have 1 unit placed in each major Legisan city for Legisa's basic national defense.

Let me know how many units your nations would likely contribute and where they would likely be stationed! For ease of conducting war, you may assume basic Civilization movements and such, though I'd rather not include city health. In other words, if you leave a city un-garrisoned, you should not assume that it will hold up for a turn or two against enemy attacks all on its own. Also, try to campaign somewhat realistically; for example, don't charge forward and leave your supply lines completely undefended.
I think the civilization style to war is a great idea, though you would still need to figure out how battles are solved if one unit attacks another.


Lord of Altera
Er, i'm confused. Carausmia seems like a very Environmental friendly nation, but, it sends animals to die instead of themselves, and do genetic mutations and testing to em?


Lord of Altera
[is this confirmed @RexJen ?]
Er, i'm confused. Carausmia seems like a very Environmental friendly nation, but, it sends animals to die instead of themselves, and do genetic mutations and testing to em?
The whole genetically modified animals thing is because they try to limit the amount of machines that they use. They also have safeguards so that they dont spread


Lord of Altera
Even with peace, the Tarjiki aid ships are still en route to the southern coast to provide help for refugees and injured individuals. Roughly six IC days before arrival.


Lord of Altera
Legisa's troops begin to withdraw from the disputed territories, most of the soldiers are thankful that the lack of an offensive spared their lives, but the general consensus is that the war was a waste of time. Regardless, Legisa's men are happy to return to their mothers, wives, and friends.


Lord of Altera
Legisa's troops begin to withdraw from the disputed territories, most of the soldiers are thankful that the lack of an offensive spared their lives, but the general consensus is that the war was a waste of time. Regardless, Legisa's men are happy to return to their mothers, wives, and friends.
The Carausmians see it as regretful although necessary. After all, they did end up reclaiming part of the homeland