Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Newsletter - May 2022


HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
First Week of Sporebloom
- Season of Birth -

Good morning, afternoon, and evening Alterans!
Welcome to the May edition of the Newsletter.


The Events Department continues to run the Event Request Thread.​
Current Arcs:
[ x ] Nettled Eyes in Dreary Fables Server Campaign​
[ x ] Precursor Arc being run by Bartooliinii
[ x ] Thieves Arc being run by Bartooliinii
[ x ] Deadlands Arc being run by IceandFire
On a Break
[ x ] Queensport Arc​
[ x ] Crystal Ridge Arc​
Completed this past Month
[ x ] The Bannerlord Arc​
There will be more events to come, hosted by fellow staff DMs and player DMs. The Main campaign itself may be going on a bit of a break until June due to IRL circumstances. However, there may still be events hosted by others with the available public lore and those in the FIEND Arc team. Announcement [ HERE ]
IceandFire will be picking up the Spawn Project as a whole, hosting events and managing both the council and gaurd. Ask him for any queries regarding Storm's Landing!​
Storm's Landing Events
[ x ] Galas & Atheneum Opening​
[ x ] Guard Campaigns​
[ x ] Nightly Encounters​
Lore has recently released some further Flora and Crafting options. The Fiend Arc continues, and we continue working on some reworks of current content as well as work on new content. When there are further Lore updates, they will follow.​
We are slowly working through the suggestions as they are presented, and working to continue all departments as a whole. For the next week or so, Lannis is away and others will be helping out and around. We ask for your patience in these busy months as IRL continues for staff friends. As a reminder, keep checking Discord for updates as well as forums.​
We also welcomed this month a new staff member to our team, JennyBean! She has joined the IG-Tech Team. Welcome Jenny! Warwolf has also been promoted to Head of IGT. Make sure to congratulate him!​

This month, several threads have been updated and cleaned up, as well as new ones to help players with HW. We made a big announcement of the shifts that you can find [ HERE ]
Currently Working On:
[ x ] Updating the Lore Sections so they are all to-date and all official threads posted by the HW Account.​
[ x ] An overall update to the main "Forums" Page, making things easier to navigate & read.​
[ x ] An overall update and facelift to many of our lore pages and other pages throughout the Forums, which will continue into next month.​
[ x ] A fix to the Staff Member roles on the forums - you will now see all of our staff under "Staff" in the Members section.​
If you have suggestions on the Forums or upkeep, please reach out to IceandFire for said suggestions.​

The four most active factions for the month of March are "Candlewood", "The Reaching Hand", "The Realmsguard", and "League Arcana"! Congratulations! You can find information on these factions below:​
[ x ] "CANDLEWOOD" is the first place winner! You can find more information on them [here].​
[ x ] "THE REACHING HAND" is the second place winner! You can find more information on them [here].​
[ x ] "THE REALMSGUARD" is the third place winner! You can find more information on them [here].​
[ x ] "LEAGUE ARCANA" is the fourth place winner! You can find more information on them [here].​
The faction lore for the winners of April is completed and released - You can find the thread of all approved technologies here: [ x ] !​
Levitation Platforms: The scholars of Candlewood discover a modified application of the runes used to hoist an airship in their experiments. By circumscribing them on a fixed platform, the space above the circle seemingly nullifies gravity, allowing objects and people to move through it unburdened by it. This effects at most a 3x3x20 column, and can support at most around 1000 pounds (5 people) at a time without the effect failing and it all crashing down. It does not require apparent 'fuel,' but only functions in places with a moderate degree of ambient magic ('moderate' planar convergence or higher). The effect can be turned on and off by uttering a command phrase incorporated into the runic circle.​
Pseudowyvern: The Realmsguard discover a new species of lizard in the mountains near Blackrush. This 'pseudowyvern' resembles a tiny dragon, complete with wings and tail, but are fairly friendly and may be tamed and trained in exchange for bribes of food and gold coins. They are reasonably intelligent, and capable of navigation such that they can act as messenger birds for delivering letters and the like. Otherwise they bear a temperament roughly analogous to an average dog, with the behavior and abilities than an average dog might have. Their roosts are elusive and only known to the Realmsguard.​
Depth Crucible: To be released!​
The Warren: A sinkhole opens within the heart of the swamps blessed by Skraag's touch. Its walls are pocketed with small tunnels, labyrinthine like an ant's burrow. As long as the pit is kept stocked with fresh bodies, infant Greylings will occasionally crawl out from the tunnels. The bodies fed to the pit eventually rise as undead, but any milling about don't harm the baby Greylings until they're played by someone. Initially they're semi-restricted; three are 'born' each month, and who plays them is left to the Reaching Hand's purview.​
You can find information on how 'Factions' work here: [ x ] !​

Be sure to check out the [Roleplay Announcements] thread!​
Some public events planned for the upcoming weeks can be seen below, though check the calendar regularly so you don't miss any!​
[ x ] 6th of May, the Storm's Landing Market Days!
[ x ] 7th of May, Archery Lessons!
[ x ] 14th of May, Athenaeum Welcome Evening!​
[ x ] Every Monday. Taproom Boondays!​
There are several businesses should you find yourself in need of equipment or assistance. You can find the whole forum [here], but here are three spotlighted for the month:​
To get an idea of some of the ongoing occurrences of Altera, be sure to visit the rumour thread [here]! Here's a brief overview;​
- Thievery has spiked to an unprecedented level in Altera. Folks are losing items left and right. Some occurrences are violent, while others are silent and invisible. -​

- ...On a calm day in storms landing...The field of raddishes in the farm district is laid burnt and charred after a conflict between some bandits and the guards at the edge of town. Many prisoners were seen escorted to the guard house soon afterwords to await trial, however there were many who would not see the guard house either, many had perished in the battle. -
- Strange things have been seen in the snows outside Halbed. Figures in the trees, dead birds and other small animals, and sledge tracks that become more noticeable the farther out of town you get. -
- The bells of the Cathedral in Eldpoint ring out over the city following the Coronation proceedings. A chant echoes over the city for the day: 'Long live the Queen!' -

This month, we are introducing a new and exciting challenge.​
May is a time of spring, and so we want to Spring Forward and see some amazing work from folks submitted below! Be that a lore'd crafted item, a beautiful screenshot, artwork of your character, stories, tales, and more! At the end of the month - all of these works will be put up for voting and the winner will receive a prize! Every person who submits increases the pot by 1,000r.​
Current Prize Total: 15,000 radiants!​
Happy posting! May you all have a great time here on HW, and lets keep the positivity rolling!​

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The Alchemist
Retired Staff

This is now live! Happy May! There is one typo within this newsletter, can you find it?​


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
RIP. My public recurring event did not make the cut :(


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
As a reminder, feel free to post your work here for a chance to win the prize at the end of the months!

May is a time of spring, and so we want to Spring Forward and see some amazing work from folks submitted below! Be that a lore'd crafted item, a beautiful screenshot, artwork of your character, stories, tales, and more! At the end of the month - all of these works will be put up for voting and the winner will receive a prize! Every person who submits increases the pot by 1,000r.

Current Prize Total: 15,000 radiants!


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
As a reminder, feel free to post your work here for a chance to win the prize at the end of the months!

May is a time of spring, and so we want to Spring Forward and see some amazing work from folks submitted below! Be that a lore'd crafted item, a beautiful screenshot, artwork of your character, stories, tales, and more! At the end of the month - all of these works will be put up for voting and the winner will receive a prize! Every person who submits increases the pot by 1,000r.

Current Prize Total: 15,000 radiants!
Since I am a lazy bum, here is AI generated Aki.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
As a reminder, feel free to post your work here for a chance to win the prize at the end of the months!

May is a time of spring, and so we want to Spring Forward and see some amazing work from folks submitted below! Be that a lore'd crafted item, a beautiful screenshot, artwork of your character, stories, tales, and more! At the end of the month - all of these works will be put up for voting and the winner will receive a prize! Every person who submits increases the pot by 1,000r.

Current Prize Total: 15,000 radiants!


Specifically for Ced, tying in his history as a Ranger (leaves), his history as a Theodran priest (suggestion of wolf leg), and his FRAUGHT history with magic (lightning seams) - the very same that left him in need of this leg.

It's also a pun, because his name is Cedar.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
May is a time of spring, and so we want to Spring Forward and see some amazing work from folks submitted below! Be that a lore'd crafted item, a beautiful screenshot, artwork of your character, stories, tales, and more!​

Springtime Heresy and Him
Ode to love
Art by MemoRojo!

Townsday, 10th of Sporebloom, 2309,

There is something about springtime that I simply cannot ignore. It is deeprooted, planted deep within the mind- a feeling, a craving and a desire to do something different. By winter's end, mortals tend to be so bitter about reality and their lives. Spring is the antiphysis to bitterness. Even right now, as I sit here writing in frustration, there is a truth so clear like a fountain that is pours a renewal into my very soul.
Its him. Him!
Lurking in every decision, behind every thought-- my love, my anchor, my husband. When I witness the flowers blooming once more, when I sneeze to pollen and gaze up at a tree having regrown all its leaves so suddenly-- I see him.

Oh the irony is not lost upon me that he is Blessed of Sallana. Fertility, love, family... They never did mean so much to me before he found me and whisked me away into a life so comfortable and fulfilling. Yet the maddening thing, there are no scholarly words to explain it. For all my studies into the nature of divine, the Realm and beyond- for all my understanding of magic-- I cannot explain how he just makes me happy. He does normal things, he says the most romantic words and he has the courage of Vermella, but absolutely nothing transmundane to get me to adore him as I do! His existence in my life is enigmatic. So perfectly centerplace on a pedastal, the magnum opus of all my mind.

That is springtime to me. The growth of all things. Ignis shines down upon Altera and creation sings within all blooms. That is what love achieves. The Immortals knew it and put so much tender care into all the stars, for even Grief herself grew roses from the horrific decays of the Wither. Yet heresy, they would cry, for such inpure knowledge and understanding. Heresy! As if knowing the very fabrics of reality to adore them was a crime. The man of my life taught me to love these things openly, just as the rabbit hides not in spring.

My research, the unending realisation of mortality, leaves me much time at home with my husband. Mi amor. As the cool wind announces itself with the warmth out the open window in assurance of a healthy cycle of creation, he is there, smiling away. The Realm outside understands spring to be a joyous time for all the colour and life. Yet here, in this moment, the only music to my soul is felt when thinking about him. I have given away near all my worldly possessions, offered my grandest of personal effects to near strangers and tried to be so giving that Charity herself smiled to me in her grace... yet it was all because of him. Just as autumn shall take away the shade and blossoms, it will always return in spring. What are physical things when compared to the feel of love? True love, I mean? That unspoken affection..

...not to mention the grandest gift of spring and stars.

Nothing in spring or love stays static like the changing Realm. A new constellation in the gentle evening twilight. Little Aster can see for the first time with his beautiful eyes how the Realm grows, how the grass lengthens and the birds sing in chorus.
If Linden is my world, then Aster is my sky.

Now, more than ever, love in spring is what people need. There is too much hatred in the souls of men, too disheveled by those that would bring us forever autumn that they can no longer witness spring. All one can do is look upon one's own family, the ginger smile of a loving Caparii and the innocence of a child and decide simply "no, I will not be hateful of them." Terrified? Absolutely! Yet scared enough to invoke wrath to retaliate in violence? A tree does not forget the axe. Sallana is not my Goddess, no, yet Linden's own connection to her speaks through me in some manner of divine consiousness. Springtime is the time for love... and I love the Realm. I love everything about Altera. What else would explain my dire condition of wanting to know everything about the Realm, to witness its every merit?

Now that is heresy. To love everything.
The stars shine regardless of any choice or action and, yet, after all, no star shines quite as brightly as a lover's smile.


Lord of Altera
I wasn't too sure what to do for this challenge so I decided to do a 3D model bust of Liam's character Podric. I always found Podric to be an interesting looking character and wanted to try and do a stylized model of it. Once again thank you for Kamaoe for the art you made of Podric it served as a real good reference. Sorry for the low quality video, for some reason it just uploaded like that. I ain't too intelligent when it comes to uploads.

Podric Still 1.png
Podric Still 2.png



The Alchemist
Retired Staff
With the current submissions, the prizes available are up to 19,000 radiants!

You have about 10ish more days to submit!


Lord of Altera
For my submission, I present to you a detailed map of the eastern continent. Behind the scenes, I've mapped together all the /gr regions and labeled them on the map, as well as most settlements, paths, and geographical features. The image is compressed here, but the total size ended up being over 200 MB! I have the higher quality original for anyone that wants it. Otherwise enjoy viewing a few weeks work : )


Version with map ports (gr regions and town names):

Some of the scratch work and a tidbit (not all hexagons are created equal):

Also a fun thing, the eastern continent is smaller than the state of rhode island (in blocks to meters). Here's a reference:

Its no wonder we can get everywhere so quickly :p
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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I vote for Snowy. That's how this works, right?

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
oh my god
the amount of work, effort and dedication that went into those maps

Snowy you are a deity.
If you don't win this, I'll make a complaint ticket. But here is 10k of my own money too. You are amazing