Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Legend of Altera
Magic-related = bad, wouldn't that mean we'd need to be mages to use it?
Well, we could all have some kind of "token" that we all carry given to us in RP. A form of connecting to that plane. It's not powerful enough to carry a whole town but it has just enough power to call upon a small chunk.


Non sum qualis eram
The pockets basically represent the inside of fancy backpacks and pockets, that's all.

Ever heard of a Bag of Holding? Same concept. They'd be like a Portable Hole type deal.

There's no need to overcomplicate them.


Legend of Altera
Oh, ok. Well then how about we just have a lore made up based around the Bag of Holding (yes I have heard of it, I play D&D).


Non sum qualis eram
It's the easiest way to represent the pocket as something one can enter in at any time.

Picture you have a big, voidy cloth. If you spread it out all the way on a flatish surface, you get a hole. You can jump into that hole and boom, pocket.


Lord of Altera
I've read it before. I've considered it and even showed it to a friend. It is fan-confirmed that Mary Poppins is a time-lord and that her bag was her T.A.R.D.I.S. Her umbrella was her Sonic Screwdriver. Mary Poppins is, in fact, the Doctor.


Non sum qualis eram
I listen to people and I predict demand in advance. Occasionally I can be totally left-fielded if I've been left completely unawares.


Legend of Altera
I would just move over, but I like the idea that my money will help me get Rads at a constant rate instead of just me having to do one big drop when I have the cash ya know? Now I just need the cash XD


Lord of Altera
I think that the people with Guardian of Light/dark should get their own pocket-dimension seeing as the rank is no longer available by people who don't already have it. It would only make sense to give them a pocket-dimension seeing as they payed $75 to donate for Guardian.


Dead Man Walking
I think that the people with Guardian of Light/dark should get their own pocket-dimension seeing as the rank is no longer available by people who don't already have it. It would only make sense to give them a pocket-dimension seeing as they payed $75 to donate for Guardian.
They do, be sure to read all of Cherb's posts to find out more.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
No, I mean without the need to switch to Premium Rank.
As far as I'm aware, Legends and Guardians are SUPPOSED to be able to use the Pocket dimension anyways...
The only problem is they need to sort out the perm-list because these people haven't automatically been added for donating.


Lord of Altera
This might be the most dumb question but oh well..
Will you lose your pocket thing when you have no subscription anymore?
I guess it will be stored until you have a new subscription or something :x?

(Ignore me)
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Lord of Altera
*Failure to keep up the subscription will result in your claimed chunks, your pocket dimension (and its contents) being deleted as well as the loss of all other benefits covered by this plan. Sorrowlands insurance requires at least 3 months subscription banked at the time of the reset. (Exceptions will be made to anyone subscribing within a 3 month reset window)