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Star Wars Fan Fiction Roleplay Thread!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
"I did not try to kill you, I tried to arrest you, but those dastards sitting around in their space stations betrayed me.
And, Dark-Star isn't your ship, it was given to me to carry out what I needed to do when I was allied with the Empire.
We shall see."


Lord of Altera
"Scum? I am offended! I am just a legitimate captain and you, my friend, are a wanted Imperial convict. I am the only chance you have, if Jabba finds you he'll collect the bounty without a second thought, the Rebelion will interogate you, and the Black Sun will throw you in the slave pits. I am your only chance."


Lord of Altera
Flitt moves to the shooting gallery with his T-38 repeating sniper, practising his shots and trying out his new hair trigger he just put instead of the norm. "If you don't do it often, you'll lose your kill, if you lose your skill when an elite, your already dead" he thinks.... after all, he is the best of the best, and if Oddy needs me, then I'm his man.


Magus of Nothing
The Twi'lek female has recently begun working for Jabba. The money is good.


Lord of Altera
"You live. I would call that fair. Plus, would you rather I hired some mercs to /force/ you out?"


Magus of Nothing
The Twilek girl is with Jabba so y'know she could get involved if you head there.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
( Ok :p Do you want to act as Jabba? )
"Pilot, take us to Jabba's Palace."
Upon arrival at Jabba's Palace....

"Your Grace, all mighty powerful Jabba, me and my crew are offering ourselves as mercenary's and bounty hunters, I have a large and well-trained crew, an elite platoon of ex-Imperial soldiers."


Lord of Altera
(Thought so, I will act as Jabba and Translator)
Jabba: Bhr a ghko kasikano?
Translator: Lord Jabba asks you:Why should I not just kill you and collect the bounty?


Lord of Altera
Jabba: Ghhuuur burk a fhusom san jutandam rurt gammoreanos plur Jurak! blsy hurd ghur fipk ein.
Translator: Lord Jabba says you are hired if you and your soldiers can beat the two gammoreans and.... his new bounty hunter.... a mandolorian no less. The rules will be laid out to you as you regain your strength.
Jabba then looks at the Twi'lek girl and waves his hand to a door, indicating the imperials should go through it.


Lord of Altera
Gazing over his now quite impressive though small fleet, now pirate captain Odylion, although still using Imperial structure, has became a feared pirate in the system, preying on lone freighters, pulling them into his ship, taking the cargo, selling any crew members who weren't willing to join the crew, and using the ship for his own purposes.


Lord of Altera
(Flitt) Flitt is getting bored, how many robberies does an elite have to go through? He's decided to take a trip to tatoonie, where Jaranus was going. He starts packing his gear, and finds a suitable escape pod to take him down to the inhabited planet nearby, from which he is going to "negotiate" getting a ship and fly to Jabba's Palace. "Foolproof" he thinks.