Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Children of Shalherana


Lord of Altera
I'm not really against it, having more settlements and religious groups in the jungles actually sounds like a cool idea, but doing so you really need to consider just how damn hot and humid it is. The reason we in Falandraal are mostly fine is that we're in a cave, so maybe the Children will have to build well conditioned buildings, or something like that.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
If the Caparii can't agree on having a single spot for them to settle in, then why not have them be semi-solitary by nature? :) A meeting spot can be claimed via a region near the temple of Shalherana where our hoofed friends can occasionally gather for ceremonies/celebrations etc, but in the mean time they could live where they choose.

I only suggest this because 5 pages of arguments about where Caparii should live might be solved a bit easier by translating it into IC stuff. If we can't agree with where they should go, maybe it should be on a character-by-character basis :D

The idea of having a single spot where Caparii can meet or be safe is a great idea though, and I'd be happy to help/donate etc to get it going :heart:


sparkles emoji
The first post was made on my birthday!

Anyway, if I were you guys, I'd start off in the Sorrows because regions cost lots of moolah. And besides, last time I checked the Caparii are semi-nomadic so they can always try different places in the wild until they found a suitable biome.