Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Cursed Plague


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Yeah and I'm pretty proud that I stopped Goren from infecting someone, Also at the same time there was the off chance that she could have cut him spilling his blood all over the wheat crop in aellyr know...

Would be bad.

But I guess it's all good now.
Now I heard something else about that certain someone and It makes me wonder if she's infected now too.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I know a solution that is certain to cure any illness.... And @Valonyx knows the same one!
Sailing people off to the horizon won't help anything!
And what an awful boat. Don't even have a sail or anythin-

*murmur murmur*
... What's that? No no, I'm not hungry for stea-

*murmuring intensifies*
...... Oooh. So that's a... and he means.. Oooooh....