Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Golden Crusade

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No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I hope you are joking val, if not get the hell off that high horse before i cut its legs off.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Had to make sure.
Be careful, its hard to convey sarcasm over the internet.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
In that instance it was easy, because you quoted the sarcasm quote, you geared everyone for sarcasm.

Btw, every single time i put "its hard to convey sarcasm over the internet" someone always tries not realizing that the situation means everything.


Lord of Altera

Due to some recent misunderstandings and such. (happy now jag?)
The Crusade will change its colors to Blue and Gold.


Lord of Altera
Crusaders! Our God has spoken! A great evil is coming, in hope of invading our world! harateth warned us!
We must regroup, build, and proceed to the great Purge! Burn all heretics!
We have to defend the innocent and bring Justice!


Lord of Altera

To help the founding of Harlaus i have decided to instore new methods in order to be able to build the Holy City sooner.

-All those that give us donations (im including those that already donated to our cause) will be granted with a plot/house for free, in order to attract new people.

-Large plots of 32x32 will be available to the house/independant cities who wish to build embassies in Harlaus. The price will be of 15k rads.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Forum name: Abel
Ingame name: TheDeester
Rp name: Abel
Are you connected often?: I visit as often as I can, and that's a lot.
What would you bring to the Crusade?: I've not much... But I wish to bring building and smithing with me.
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: I've a vast hatred for the Bandits in the South, and wish to take action. I've seen others fall at their feet without point. I wish for no more of this.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: Yes, and I would risk my life in order to do so.


Lord of Altera
With the help of some crusaders, i successfully purchased our first plot! you can now check in the portals at the spawn, Harlaus should be there.​
here's a reminder of everything i said about the holy city.​
-Harlaus will be a crusade-era type city/fortress similar to the medieval arabic cities such as Jerusalem.​
Harlaus will be composed of a large sandstone/sand/stone slabs city surrounding a high and huge stronghold on a small hill, surrounded by 3 small walls. Harlaus will possess a unique building style related to medieval holy cities, with a mix of european structures. This holy town will feature souks (a souk is a typical arabic-style market), small living districts with narrow streets and high buildings with platforms. Harlaus will shine from the desert from its opulence, its military power and its size. The castle will be a both defensive and nice-to-look-at building, with lots of small towers and balconies. Harlaus will be an holy city where all the believers of the Great Faith can reach as a pilgrim destination. Harlaus will be set in the desert.​
The building of the main building, the huge castle-cathedral that would stand over the town, with its golden spires and its huge dome to let the light pass, will be the first step.
After, the building of the Market, the District, and the Military grounds, the three parts of the Holy City.

Images of inspirations:


The castle-cathedral:
I would like to start with this, and i had lots of ideas concerning it.
I would like to mix a defendable position with a mix between a cathedral and a mosque.
Ever heard of the Cathedral of St-sophie?
i though of something like that:

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