Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Golden Crusade

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Deleted member 8976

Forum name:flyzerzone
Ingame name:flyzerzone
Rp name:Lyzer
Are you connected often?:Well it's school but 2-3 hours i can paly almost everyday sometimes even more
What would you bring to the Crusade?:I would bring A soldier and a loyal worker :DI will mine and colllect resources whenever you need!
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade:This was the only organisation that seemed fitting for me.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?:Yes.Yes I am [pulls out his sword and points at the sun)


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Forum name: blargtheawesome
Ingame name:
Rp name: Basil Brush Saeradan
Are you connected often?: I like to be on as much as possible, but other things take up my time unfortunately.
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Proper torture and execution.
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: Basil is bored, and misses his violent past. Heard've the Crusade and the chance to once again burn people alive. That, and OOCly being an Executioner sounds fun as Nether.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: ... Ready to pretend to worship him, and kill people for the fun of it.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Forum name: Roablade
Ingame name: Roablade
Rp name: Darius Bladechild, known as Roa by those who know his ancestry.
Are you connected often?: I am connected fairly often.
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Reconaissance services, Magical knowledge, Assists in torture sessions, Guarding of Harlaus, Response to calls to arms(Soldier/Paladin work).
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: Firstly, a personal reason. I have been deeply wronged by the bandits of Protoras and of the Southern Wilds. Once, a bandit killed me in the Sothern Wilds, and I aspired to become a bandit hunter. However, I soon grew to forgive them and attempted to befriend them at Protoras during an investigation of a mystical energy source. However, while I came in peace one of them jumped out and attacked me, and since then I have lost all inclination to attempt peaceful negotiations with them. However, as I had lost all equipment of value during that unjust murder I now lack the ability to do so, thus I require a means of aquiring the equipment again. Secondly, I wish to cleanse Altera of evil as evil has time and time again proved to be the bane of my existence. Evil has no place in the land that we know, and so it must not be stopped, but erased from the very fabric of existence.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: I always have.


Lord of Altera
Forum name: Erlewis
Ingame name: erlewis1111
Rp name: Erlewis
Are you connected often?: Yes, at least every other day.
What would you bring to the Crusade?: I could easily be a priest, I enjoy learning and talking about lore, but I may be able to fight as well.
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: My character was betrayed by bandits and seeks justice against them.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: Yes.


is Barken
Forum name: Minez2000
Ingame name:minez2000
Rp name: "Vertigo" or "V"
Are you connected often?: Everyday, almost all the time.
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Too fight the unholy purge know as Corruption.
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: I am a skilled fighter, miner and assassin, I wish to serve Altera in this fight. I also have been killed many times by the bandits, and have a personal Vendetta.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: I am more than ready, I have trained for this chance my entire life.


Forum name:ghost243
Ingame name:ghost243
Rp name:Torunn Menljord
Are you connected often?:Yes about 2-3 hours a day
What would you bring to the Crusade?:Help and resources
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade:I wanted to join a group and flyzerzone invited me
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?:Yes,Yes I am


sparkles emoji
I would like to join!

Forum Name: GhostKairo123
IGN Name: GhostKairo123
RP Name: Kairo Sarcos
Am I connected often: Pretty much, at least 4 days a week.
What will I bring to the Crusade: A great, loyal, skilled warrior and worker. I will gladly serve you.
A reason or two why I should join the Crusade: I love being in a group of people who will fight together and respect each other.
Am I ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, god of justice: Heck Yeah I am!.....Um.....I mean: Of course, greatly and happily!

Hope you accept me! :D


Lord of Altera
Aye, accepted, ask valonyx or angryboy2k12 to add u to haurlas in game.

Edit, you failed to make it on to the server, why should I add you here?
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