Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Gone Series - Michael Grant


Lord of Altera
Some more interesting things so far in the Fear...I'm about 3 quarters or more in the book, and I learned a couple more interesting things about some characters :p One, of which I had no idea until it happened very abruptly. The second one, being somewhat amusing.


Lord of Altera
Ooooh, yes, I remember :) Diana is.. well, she's something. She gets a little more relatable (<-- made up a word!) in Light.


Lord of Altera
WHYYY Did I quit Receiving Messages from this thread!?
Im getting Book 5 In a Few Days :O
My friend Erin says Its the Best. Book. Ever, And I absolutely cant Wait to read it o.o


Lord of Altera
I'm part way through the first book and it's awesome so far, does it make me dumb that I've only just realized the time below each chapter is the countdown to Sam's 15th birthday?