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Deceased The Open-Minded Blacksmith, Roy Beledrent


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
My hat's not possessed...lay off the shrooms...
Just because I'm a Black Dwarf, my hat's suddenly possessed?!


Lord of Altera
added two new swears, changed my first post after the original to tell his story after arriving, added to the story, removed a weapon that he no longer uses, updated relationships, virtue/vice chart, and many other things about him...probably should've highlighted them, but i'll do that next time....I dont think I updated enough stuff


Lord of Altera
family updated and a new theme has been added...hopefully the last one, reflects his outlook on how his life is his own to choose. Backstory explaining new family relations to be added when I get home :p


Bored Brit
View attachment 68126

(make that beard a stubble, and you've got yourself a Roy)
Character’s full name: Roy Beledrent

Reason or meaning of name: Apparently his Grandfather's name

Character’s nickname: "Black Mith"

Reason for nickname: Cyra can't seem to pronounce the "S" sound in "smith" and she normally refers to him by his job, so this is what it ends up coming out as.

Birth date: 22nd of Sunbright, 2237, Year of Design

Alignment: True Neutral

Sexuality: Heterosexual

-Common (Fluent)
-Horgaahn (Choppy)
Elven (Non-existent)

Physical appearance
Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 23

How old does he/she appear: 27

Weight: 170 lbs

Height: 6’2”

Body build: Has broader shoulders and well built arm, chest, and core muscles due to his long hours spent blacksmithing. Also has toned muscles on his legs from supporting that upper weight, as well as running around to most of the places he wats to go to, due to his hatred of boats.

Shape of face: a bit gaunt, pointed at chin slightly.

Eye color: Deep Blue

Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: N/A

Skin tone: Pale

Distinguishing marks: Has very long limbs and fingers, his arm length (fingers included) reach down to his knees, and his fingers are about the same size as his palm (the longest ones are, the rest are in proportion to the longest)
Also has a large burn scar on his right hand spanning across all fingers except his thumb, it covers the entire area from the first knuckle to the second, though this is mostly covered by his fingerless gloves.
Now has a Henna tattoo on his left arm, moving from his Elbow all the way down his hand:

(Is currently mostly obscured by the glove he wears)

Predominant features: Constant stubble on face

Hair color: Black

Hairstyle: Is once again long and scraggly...still well kept, but that'll probably change after his next haircut

(no, Roy doesn't secretly wish to be a baker)

Overall attractiveness: 6/10 due to his childhood of bar fights....having a fist rammed into your face generally doesn't help you look good for the ladies (or the men, but Roy wants kids of his own)

Physical disabilities: He's not the shiniest spoon in the drawer

Usual fashion of dress: A white tunic, Gray trousers, Burgundy longcoat, brown knee-high boots, a toolbelt carrying multiple things, and a sash with throwing knives on it.

Favorite outfit: His father's coat, has a fair amount of stitching, but is very difficult to see, someone took a lot of time to patch it back up.

Jewelry or accessories: Leather fingerless gloves he wears for some protection

(I have included a photo of myself dressing for a Renaissance faire as a way of showing how Roy dresses, just remove the hat and change the shirt color to white.)
Good personality traits: Loyal, Kind, Hardworker, Honest, and tends to act with emotion, Very open minded, has a nagging feeling when he's about to say something that might be bad.

Bad personality traits:Honesty is brutal, works himself too hard most of the time, Low self esteem, can sometimes let emotions cloud judgement, though this rarely occurs. Generally acts before he thinks.

Mood character is most often in: Calm, but pleasant

Sense of humor: enjoys hearing cunning jokes, likes to hear dirty jokes, but most of the time doesn’t get them.

Character’s greatest joy in life: Smithing, watching an expert fighter using one of his creations.

Character’s greatest fear: not being able to smith, isolation, being declared a failure, Snakes, not being welcome back in Zima'Maloj ever, forgetting portions of his life

Why?: Smithing is his life, everytime he smiths, he loses track of himself, he pours his soul into his work. while he isn’t the most social person, he does still like talking to people. and he already knows he isnt that good at much (his thoughts on it) but he doesn’t believe he’s entirely useless, being declared as such would shatter his world. Also, he doesn't like snakes, and he grew to think of the Cerridwens as very good friends of his, he deeply regrets his words to Nireth. His entire philosophy centers around remembering his life, and if he forgot part of it, he'd start to doubt himself.

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Losing the ability to smith, not being able to remember large/very important portions of his life.

Character is most at ease when: Drinking with friends, lost in memory.

Most ill at ease when: Fighting, or sailing/being on a ship that’s moving at all.

Enraged when: Someone insults dwarves as a whole, endangers a friend of his, someone attempts to control an aspect of his life.

Depressed or sad when: A flaw of his is pointed out, he worries about someone, someone takes his words in a much more hurtful/spiteful way than he intended

Priorities: Helps others before himself as he believes that they are capable of more

Life philosophy: "Remember all parts of your life, the angers that have coursed through your veins, the sorrows that have left you dead to the world, the joys that gave you wings, the fears that kept you trapped. Remember them all, as they are all part of you, and when you deny one, you slowly lose yourself and succumb to a lie you begin to believe"

"Blacksmithing is an art, not a job, in my eyes. I dont care if im not paid, just so long as i can keep the hammer pounding on my projects, i shall be happy."

"My life is my life, my choices are my own, if I fail, i shall carry the consequences that come with them, if i'm to succeed, i alone shall carry the feeling of triumph, nobody else should have to make my decisions for me, or decide what it is that i have to do."

If granted one wish, it would be: To be a Dwarf, and know horgaahn

Why?: He reveres dwarves, being raised by them is what caused his self esteem to drop, seeing them make such amazing creations and when he asked to learn how, they’d laugh and tell him he couldn’t since he was just a human. Also, he believes that Horgaahn was the language of the first blacksmiths

Character’s soft spot: Children without parents

Is this soft spot obvious to others?: yes

Greatest strength: due to his overworking tendencies and constant bar brawling, this guy can take a hit...or twenty… and can work at something for hours on end without faltering, and he seems to have a knack with reverse engineering many blacksmithed and similarly crafted objects.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Lack of combat experience, sucks at talking to people, (though he’s good at making small statements to help them see things how he does) seasickness, tends to cross the line without knowing, doesn't know diddly squat about social norms.

Biggest regret: Making Nireth cry, running from Zima'Maloj.

Minor regret: not learning how to smith weapons and armour before he left his tribe

Biggest accomplishment: Teaching himself how to make armor, becoming completely ambidextrous.

Minor accomplishment: Trained himself to workably throw knives, fine tuned this in Riseport.

Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: none

Why?: he accepts all his failures, he might get a bit angry at himself when he remembers that failure, but he recognizes the need to learn and move on.

Character’s darkest secret: Roy has started questioning his fascination with alcohol, and is starting to recognize the toll his heavy drinking has taken on him.

Does anyone else know?: he's pretty much stated this.

Speech Style: Roy generally uses his own swears/phrases:
Forge-Fires-Used as a generalized swear e.g. "Forge-Fires, i burned the meat again/ you use TONGS to pull out the ingot! Forge-Fires, i thought that was common sense!"
Dented Mugs-Used as a swear regarding a situation e.g. "Dented Mugs... you just couldn't resist saying 'What could possibly go wrong?' could you?!"
Purest Ore- Used when in awe of a situation, this is the good version.
Broken Anvils-Used when in awe of a situation, this is the bad version
Broken Hammers- Used in personal anger at a situation
Golden Scrap- Used in situations where something went much better than you thought it would.
Cracked Core- The opposite of Golden scrap, used to mean that a situation went way worse than you thought it would.
Rusted HammerHugger- A phrase coined to mean "Old thief" generally used when referring to older woman seeking younger men, but can also be used for Old people who hoard everything.

Along with his own insults:
Half-Forged-refers to a lack of intelligence e.g. "You Half-Forged twit! Why would you drink something i specifically said would probably kill you?!"
Useless Rock- refers to either a severe dislike of the person, or the fact they are literally useless. "You Useless Rock, i hope you fall into your own forge, and have your ashes stuck in the floorboards! / You're a Useless Rock, you'd only hold us back, just stay behind and do what you do best."
Hammer-Split-refers to a broken person, generally more of a way of pitying a person rather than an insult. "You're a Hammer-Split man, too many troubles in your life, and you just give in to're not the man i once knew."

And lastly, his own farewells:
May your hammers strike true-a farewell to mean, "I hope you accomplish what you set out to do."
May your next drink be ever strong - A common farewell that simply means "Have a good day" but is used with friends.
May your mug stay full, and the keg flowing- A farewell normally used with business he frequents, this phrase is the equivalent of, "Stay busy, and keep the goods coming."
May you find the rest of yourself next we meet-A little more of a sad farewell, generally used when someone is either down on bad luck, or just having tough times in general, it wishes good luck so that they can act like themselves when they talk again.
May your anvils crack when you next lay your hand upon them- A much less friendly farewell wishing bad luck upon the person.
May your forges break, and your crafts fail -A farewell hardly ever heard, has never been used by Roy, even in anger, as this wishes for a person's entire life to become meaningless and unfruitful, essentially saying they'd be better off killing themselves, as it would be more profitable to the world around them.
Drives and motivations: The urge to smith, The nagging feeling that he should be thinking of his future, despite him just living in the present. Since talking to Cyra and Akasha, Roy seems to have gained a desire to take care of a child of his own and has considered adoption, however he is unsure if he is capable of taking care of a child...

Immediate goals:

Learn how to smith weapons and armour [X]

Learn how to smith Jewelry [/]

Find Gregor [X]

Make his own drink [ ]

Learn More about the world around him [X]

Find a woman he's worthy of [/] (still needs to prove himself)

Pay off debt to Nwalme [ ] certain events have changed this

Long term goals:

Get Married [ ]

Work to make “The Murky Lizard” a succesful tavern [ ]

Learn Horgaahn [/]

Learn Elven [ ]

Become skilled enough at smithing that his tribe reveres him as a true adult [ ]

Might possibly work to gain Nobility, still unsure on if he wants to do this

How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Hard work, and dedication (and a bit of courting)

How other characters will be affected: Roy will be a bit more social and interact with others more. also, pretty sure that affects the person he marries, but eh, what do i know.
Hometown: DunHúmur (Hall of Hammers) A cave in the southern swamps near Zima’Maloj where many Duskhammer dwarves live, it’s a smaller tribe, generally not known for much, other than being able to provide tools, weapons, and armour for the people in that area due to the remote location.

Type of childhood: raised by an entire tribe...but also slightly abusive. Roy was mostly raised by the tribe’s leader: Karrim. Karrim is a very kind dwarf who lost his son and wife from an earthspawn attack on the tribe, seeing Roy alone with no father, his mother bedridden from illness, Karrim took Roy in and taught him everything he would need to know (mathematics, reading and writing in common, and a bit about currency) plus he gave the boy books on smithing to read about and learn the different crafts one could make. However, while all the dwarves cared for Roy, they were still Dwarves, and if roy failed at making something, the dwarves would console him by saying “Don’t get hung up about it, you’re only a human, it’s expected.” As such, Roy grew to believe that Dwarves were a superior race, and from there gained some serious low self-esteem.

Pets: None

First memory: Roy remembers playing with his father in a building that seems unfamiliar to him, he also remembers the warm sun on his face as he played, this was definitely before he met the tribe.

Most important childhood memory: As he watched his father walk away, Roy tried to follow him, only to have a Dwarven mother put a hand on his shoulder and hold him, telling him that his father might not be back for a while. Tears welled up in Roy’s eyes, as the mother was about to console him, one of her own children fell and started crying, deciding to help the human child after her own, she quickly ran over to bandage the scrape, chiding her kin for their recklessness. as Roy sat in the middle of the cavern sobbing softly, a large shadow loomed over him, and gently carried him into it’s arms. Roy looked up in surprise at the face that smiled at him, Karrim had found a new son.

Why?: It was the first time Karrim and Roy properly met

Childhood hero: Karrim

Dream job: Blacksmith

Education: Knows a lot about smithing, mostly on what one could make. has basic education for everything else.

Religion: Follower of Korog

Finances: Never really had any money, nor a reason to need any.
Current location: Zima'Maloj

Currently living with: Hana Nawar

Pets: None (for now)

Religion: Still follows Korog

Occupation: Blacksmith

Finances: Has a small amount of Radiants saved up
Mother: Beatrice Beledrent

Relationship with her: He despises her, she lied to him, and to his father, tricking them into thinking she was ill and trying to keep Roy with her, he doesn't want to talk about her anymore.
Father: Gregor Beledrent (Deceased)

Relationship with him: Has reconsidered his feelings on his father since hearing the tribe members talk about him in such a positive light, has decided to remember him fondly, as though a friend.

Other important family members:

His father figure, role model, and person he most cares for, Karrim was the one who taught Roy nearly everything he knows, Introduced him to Jarritt, and was, in Roy’s eyes, his true father. Roy has begun to realize that he is not like Karrim and is working to change his ways.
Color: The red of Fire

Least favorite color: pale greens, they remind him of his seasickness and what his mother looked like when she was ill.

Music: enjoys listening to music, but has no preferences, nor does he seek out any music. Doesn't seem to like the piano for some reason.

Food: Mushrooms and Cooked spiders

Literature: Smithing history books / books with fighters.

Form of entertainment: Drinking and having fun in a tavern

Mode of transportation: Walking with his own two legs

Most prized possession:
his Hammer, given to him by Karrim
The henna tatto on his left arm, not so much a possession as a symbol. Made by Hana.
Hobbies: fishing, occasionally trying to brew something new and failing.

Plays a musical instrument?: No

How he/she would spend a rainy day: He'd spend it fishing, smithing, or teaching Akasha.

Spending habits: Hardly spends any money on himself nowadays, is mostly used for supplies and equipment for his tavern and smithy.

Smokes: does it occasionally, bought his own pipe from tambry as he made his way through there.

Drinks: Hardly drinks at all nowadays

Other drugs: none

What does he/she do too much of?: Working and remembering

What does he/she do too little of?: Relaxing, socializing, and trying to promote his business, and thinking of the future

Extremely skilled at: Throwing knives and smithing (if he’s made the thing a few times before), also has the ability to comfortably sleep anywhere (though what he feels when he wakes up depends on where he sleeps)

Extremely unskilled at: Sailing, thinking about what he’s going to say before he says it, being formal, thinking up business strategies or dealing with politics. Waking up easily, either takes him a while, or he shoots awake in a panic.

Nervous tics: taps his leg with his hand in time to how he usually smiths, tends to rub his throat without thinking about it.

Usual body posture: slouched and casual

Mannerisms: generally speaks his mind, attempts to be friendly when first meeting someone.

Peculiarities: He is very protective of his things, and can be childish at times if people touch them without his permission.
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist, if he thinks about the outcome at all.

Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious

Logical or emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorderly and messy

Prefers working or relaxing?: Working

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: definitely unsure

Animal lover?: loves animals, they taste delicious, except for horses, they have other uses.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Has low self-esteem, but has accepted who he is and his failures.

One word the character would use to describe self: Human, Hardworker, Stubborn

One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: It's time I grew up, I have started taken control of my life and accepting my responsibilities. Just because I mess everything up, doesn't mean I can't try to make it less screwed up.

What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: His Stubbornness

What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: His low self esteem

What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: his Long limbs and fingers, he is quite dextrous with him, and they have helped him steal many a drink in a contest.

What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: his stubble, he tried growing a beard, but his hair grows very slowly.

How does the character think others perceive him/her: He doesn’t think about that

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He’d like to be a Dwarf
Weapons and Equipment:
A dagger for parrying blades

A tankard he always has on his person

View attachment 68247

Throwing knives strapped to his sash

View attachment 68248

"Remember all parts of your life, the angers that have coursed through your veins, the sorrows that have left you dead to the world, the joys that gave you wings, the fears that kept you trapped. Remember them all, as they are all part of you, and when you deny one, you slowly lose yourself and succumb to a lie you begin to believe"

"I may not know much about being a human, but i know how to be a man. A man fights his own fights, but recognizes when fists aren't needed. He works to change his fate however he can, but accepts the consequences of his actions. A man stays devoted to those he calls his friends, but stays more true to the cause he believes in."

"When someone is passionate enough about what they do, it is not a job, it is not a business, and it is not a all these things are used to describe mundane or petty things that they simply do for fun, or think coldly about. When someone is passionate about something, it is an art, it is a craft, it is a way of life, because nothing burns brighter, than the drive to continuously learn about your craft for the rest of your life."

"Drink a man under the table a few times, and you get to know him pretty well...Do this for a few years, and you don't feel the hangover as much."

(Here's the quote that got him killed) "My debt is with Nwalme, not you. I have no reason to listen to you, and the only reason I have done so is because I thought it best, but this is personal."
View attachment 67183
Thank you! @solus
View attachment 68125 @Elz

View attachment 68816
@SallyPirate *squishes cheeks in happiness so hard, he crushes his own head*
View attachment 69316
Made by my sis! Love ya!

Backstory:Born to a blacksmith and a barmaid, Roy was to have an aspiring future ahead of him. However, his mother grew ill, having fainting episodes and being near constantly tired. With a desire to help his wife, Roy’s father, Gregor, departed to wander the lands of Altera, to try and find new plants, and other alchemists, leaving his son in the care of a small tribe of Duskhammer dwarves he befriended through his trade. Over the years, Roy’s mother very slowly grew better, and Roy learned small things from each of the dwarves, how to mine, what to look for when mining, the basics of smithing, and he even learned to fight by watching the bar brawls that would occur most nights. As he grew, Roy learned more and more about dwarven life, although the tribe of dwarves he lived with knew very little of Horgaahn, due to their more accepting ways of humans than other tribes. Roy would drink, watch them forge (as they were not exactly swimming in materials to use, they didn't want to use them on teaching a novice all the time, so he maybe forged one thing a year) and sometimes even join in the "disagreements" in the bar, forcing him to stay home the next day (partially due to his injuries, though mostly because his mother dissaproved, being a simple brewer who believed everyone could share a drink peacefully. she only succeeded keeping Roy at home by teaching him to make different drinks on his own.) When Roy turned 20, his mother had begun to be able to resume her life before she had grown sick (with a bit of therapy of course), and so Roy decided to look for his father and bring him home, and maybe start his own business along the way, saying goodbye to the dwarf tribe and his mother, Beatrice, Roy set out on his own journey.

(kept this open for ease of finding)
Loved (Past tense):

Thea @Thea -A woman that seemed to be more of a dwarf than me and Jarritt could ever wish to be, I sincerely hope she's happy with whatever road she has chosen to follow in life.
Madilyn @RexJen -A woman who chose a smelly, often drunk, workaholic Blacksmith over a well built, charming bard... I know not where she went, but i only hope she's safe.
Hana Nawar @PotatoLion - I...wish to spend the rest of my life with her...I hope she feels the same..
Jarritt @Jarritt - A good friend, trained my liver, helped teach me how to brew, and gave me a friend when i had none, I'm glad to see him again, though he seems very distant these days.
Azure @Immerael -A good man, he tends to push others a bit hard, but i understand that he does so with good reason...I'm quite happy he has chosen to give me another chance, I won't let him down.
Akasha @Lady Alec - She'll grow up to be a fine woman...a sharp tongue, and a bit of rebelliousness, I'm happy she seems to take to smithing...though maybe she only did it because it's some sort of middle ground?

Nireth @Lady Alec -A kind woman, though i said some harsh words to her, perhaps i misjudged how nice it is to have a sense of friendship that you can go to a friend of yours and ask for help... I shall show her that I have grown out of the child I once was.
Nemy @Desalina -Has helped take care of the more...stressful...aspects of running a smithy, has also listened to me, and i have listened to her, I have not seen her for quite some time, I hope she is well.
Cyra @Immerael -A very fun loving child, I hope she'll be happy to draw on my smithy walls again.
Lizzy Galeran @Sophe -I'm not quite sure how a womanwho I find quite pleasant to talk to is friends with that matchmaker, but ah well...said the Rangers might have a job for me...
Grant Anderson @SpartanDory -Asked me to repair his dagger, he knows a good bit about brewing and drinking, I'd like to know him better.
Jacob Rekalak @Sir Saltington - A client, ordered a sabre...when he came to pick it up, it was with Syra, wish I could've given him the weapon, but things were tense at the time...seems like a decent lad, even if he only wants to learn smithing just because.
Unsure of:
Wary of:

Nwalme @blargtheawesome -Apparently he killed me...can't say i like that.
Syra Hun'vir @Elz -Brought a large group of people...just for a commission? I'm not sure whether I should be flattered or worried...ah well, perhaps if I made the weapon for her another day she'll leave the town alone.
Afraid of:

Nylarri Veileth @Elz - Nwalme's wife, If he killed me, she must have helped. I don't like how she seems to rely on her husband for quite a bit.
Dasyra Orbryn-She shouldn't have a profession who's sole purpose is to mess in other people's lives whether they consent to it or not, I'm glad I ran into her again so I could apologize, though i still don't like her.
Ysele @ZeroOrgan -More infuriating than the matchmaker! Doesn't seem to understand what someone means by "Leave the town." Must've had a swift blow to the head as a child.

Urist @rjamesking -No blacksmith should hunt down others for the simple fact that they're competition, blacksmithing is an art to be taught and honed with the help of others, not jealously horded and pawned for cash alone.

(In my ethics class we went over these six virtues and the twelve vices that went with them as something from Aristotle's text "Nichomachean Ethics" and i thought they were very interesting and decided to use them in this profile.)

Cowardice Courage Foolhardiness
Licentiousness Temperance Asceticism
Miserliness Munificence Prodigality
Slavishness Honor Vanity
Passivity Anger Rage
Unfriendliness Friendliness Obsequiousness

Situational skills and their reasoning:

Taste: Roy has little sense of taste, due to his tribe eating practically the same meal every single time. Most foods blur together to the point where he doesn't say if it tastes good, but if he likes the texture, mushrooms seem to be the exception here along with spicy foods.
Iron Stomach: Due to the more...interesting...texture of giant spiders, along with their awful taste when allowed to cool, Roy has quite the touch digestive system, taking whatever awful cooking is dished out at him...It still doesn't help with being on a boat though.
Night Vision: Nothing too big here, he sees about as well as everyone else, however, from living in a cave most of his life, Roy can adapt to it slightly faster than normal, and is more able to (not see) determine the vague shape of objects in the dark.
High Tolerance: Being raised by dwarves and later being an alcoholic tends to boost one's liver power, due to him heavily cutting back on alcohol though, his liver has also been given a break and has been recuperating, allowing it to (very slowly) repair the damage done to it by copious amounts of alcohol, so as to keep his tolerance high.
Dwarf Fighter: Having been raised by a tribe of dwarves and put against many of them in the large amount of bar fights he's been in, he knows how to fight against smaller, stockier, well bearded opponents.
Drunk Fighter: For the same reason stated above, Roy has been in many bar fights and knows how to fight against drunks, unless they still use some sort of fighting technique while drunk, then he might have some trouble.
Memory: The Tribe of DunHúmur values memories of their lives more than anything, as such, they've developed techniques to help them recall moments of their lives, in case the stories they wrote are lost or destroyed. While he can't remember the earliest days of his life too well, given 2-4 minutes at the most, Roy can recall many moments of his life with pretty good detail, however, the more vague the memory, the longer it may take, also requires little/no distractions be present
Masseuse: Due to his time spent with the tribe, Roy has a crude amount of knowledge on how to remove knots in muscles and help the body relax, though he's more used to doing this for dwarves rather than any other race.
Happy at being recognized as a competent blacksmith of Altera​
Throughout all of this...not one mention of your lil dwarf buddies that look remarkably alike...


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Oh I just noticed I have to unfriend you, Roy...
"Thordil Barumar"