Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Stormhold

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Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Ok, I got an idea to expand this city, raise money, and raise some people status:
[This it just an idea, so all the prices, objectives, etc, are just examples.)

The city hall will have an "Objective board", like a wall with signs, with some objectives to be achieved by the town. (like Building a bigger boat, getting more space for our city, basically everything that costs money to the city)

For example:
- Finish the city walls \ (we will need) 100 Radiants
- Expand market place \ 300 R

No one is forced to donate money to accomplish the town objectives, you just do it if you want to.

As soon as we with the quota (lets take for example, finishing the city walls, that cost us 100), the city wall are build, and we go back to 0 (and from 0 we will start to gather 300 R to Expand the market place, that is the next objective).
The priority of the objectives are chosen by the king.

But by helping the city, villagers will gain status (like an incentive to donate money):
So, after a simple citizen donate (for example) 100R, we will have a free market for him to sell stuff. (or something else, this is just an idea, it needs a lot of discution)
- after 200R -> new house in the rich part of the town
- after 500R -> Noble title

What do you think?


Lord of Altera
Hmmm, i love the idea but i will need to change the details :p , it will be more like 1k for a bigger market spot, 5k for another house- 16x16 maximum. I don't really understand the objective board, the town can't expand unless plots are available, and plots cost 5k rads


Lord of Altera
Ok i have an idea,
People Need to get storm hold points :p =
100SP = market plot
500SP = New house in the rich area
2500SP= Assistant

1 stack of wood logs = 50SP
Donating 5000 radients = 500SP
1 stack of wood planks = 10SP
1 stack of smooth stone= 30SP
great role-play= 75SP

This can be donated directly to me! :D

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Hmmm, i love the idea but i will need to change the details :p , it will be more like 1k for a bigger market spot, 5k for another house- 16x16 maximum. I don't really understand the objective board, the town can't expand unless plots are available, and plots cost 5k rads
Now that I had the time, I detailed my toughs a little bit more :)


Lord of Altera
New house in rich districts.. i dont know about that :3 If it will be there, then it should cost pretty much 5k - 10k


Lord of Altera
We would have to make a new building where people would work with that? People that controls it? like realtors


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey draco, I opened trade with campus domini and sold them the wood I collected for 500r! They also would like to continue trading with us in the future! How awesome! the 500r all goes directly toward the development of the town!


Lord of Altera
Back, if you get time today could you check the new houses out- see if their up to the high building standard we try to maintain- I need you online at 16:30 gmt I think that's 1730 your time to help me plan the new areas( we have about 14 free plots)
Make sure that you guys tell the new town members to look on this forum post, its essential that they see the rules of the town and that they know the consequences for breaking the rules


Queen of the Wilds
So glad I could join up with you guys! Everyone's been super nice so far. When it comes to these games I rarely have money to share, but I gather resources like no other. So if anything is needed please ask me. :)

-Tchel Alvice

(Also, I want to RP more!)


I think I might like it here
Just joined server a day ago and these people have been very kind gave me a place to stay and some resources to get me started. Very fun RP and cool people to chat with cant wait for town to be finished =D
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