Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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An Interesting Problem


Lord of Altera
Well, there's that. That's one reason it's only an idea. But assuming some towns would comply to a group building an outpost there, it might be plausible to assume it would work. Even then if only a few large towns complied (Daggerfall, Port Silver, etc.), it might work.


Sorrows Warrior
If we keep the numbers relatively low and easy, then that'd be pretty good.
Possible Example:
Thieves Guild
-point markers-
5 - create minor guild/organization RP events (example: a theft RP)
10 - official building (in this case, an underground/secret section)
15 - expand building
25 - create large RP events (example: a global Thieves Guild RP event - one worthy of the adventures section)
etc, etc... I dunno, just expanding on that idea of gaining influence in different areas.

What do you guys think?


pyrocide said:
Hmm... it's an interesting thought, but I think city owners are going to take issue with being forced to allow groups to build things on their land.
What about that but minus building? So theres no physical presence?


Lord of Altera
If we keep the numbers relatively low and easy, then that'd be pretty good.
Possible Example:
Thieves Guild
-point markers-
5 - create minor guild/organization RP events (example: a theft RP)
10 - official building (in this case, an underground/secret section)
15 - expand building
25 - create large RP events (example: a global Thieves Guild RP event - one worthy of the adventures section)
etc, etc... I dunno, just expanding on that idea of gaining influence in different areas.

What do you guys think?
Plays off my idea rather well, you captured what I was thinking.


Sorrows Warrior
Hmm... it's an interesting thought, but I think city owners are going to take issue with being forced to allow groups to build things on their land.
That is an issue, but it's not like the city owners HAVE to accept. If the mayor's character normally wouldn't comply to allow the guild/organization a foothold in his/her city, then don't agree. Simple as that. I would say that no influence points would be lost or gained either way, and the group that attempted to convince the mayor would just have to move on and possibly try again some other day.


Lord of Altera
Perhaps once a group has reached a certain amount of 'reputation points' in a certain city, they'll be allowed to build a basic outpost in said city. This would allow them to become a tangible presence there. And then maybe at increasing intervals of points, they'd be allowed to either expand on their outpost or engage in a form of event that could net them a pretty amount of points assuming they succeed.

*sigh* The entire point of this post was building outposts. The group needs a tangible, physical presence or they can't be taken seriously. Having organizations taken seriously is the point of this whole thread.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
What if a Guild Owner also owns the town in which that Guild is primarily settled in?


Lord of Altera
Hmm. I'm sure the Staff would take action to prevent foul play, but it seems like the guild could have unlimited building rights there. It would, after all, be it's main city. But I'd assume their power everywhere else would be minimal.


Sorrows Warrior
What if a Guild Owner also owns the town in which that Guild is primarily settled in?
Hmm. I'm sure the Staff would take action to prevent foul play, but it seems like the guild could have unlimited building rights there. It would, after all, be it's main city. But I'd assume their power everywhere else would be minimal.
Right, but if the guild also goes out and is active among other regions, politically, then their sphere of influence can grow beyond their boundaries.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Mhm, as my Guild has it's own Base in my Town, but also the base cannot grow much bigger due to physical limitations from where it is located.
Plus it also has outposts in other towns. By your standards would that be fine to have?


Lord of Altera
Right, but if the guild also goes out and is active among other regions, politically, then their sphere of influence can grow beyond their boundaries.
Staff would regulate this. Plus the guild needs to manage their time and resources. If all their time and supplies go into their main city, they won't have any for anywhere else.


Lord of Altera
Mhm, as my Guild has it's own Base in my Town, but also the base cannot grow much bigger due to physical limitations from where it is located.
Plus it also has outposts in other towns. By your standards would that be fine to have?
Yes, seeing as they were both built using resources for the Guild. So long as the Guild has resources to build, they should. But for future guilds and outposts, the previous point ideas would apply.


Sorrows Warrior
Mhm, as my Guild has it's own Base in my Town, but also the base cannot grow much bigger due to physical limitations from where it is located.
Plus it also has outposts in other towns. By your standards would that be fine to have?
Yes, seeing as they were both built using resources for the Guild. So long as the Guild has resources to build, they should. But for future guilds and outposts, the previous point ideas would apply.
So if this is introduced, the outposts in other cities will be blocked off until you reach a certain influence level with that city. (If I'm understanding the ideas so far - please correct me if I'm wrong)


Lord of Altera
I was thinking existing outposts could stay. Or maybe we could introduce this idea when the world restarts?


Lord of Altera
He's watching right now, it's in his activity on his profile. He was...

*uses the Life Is Beautiful hand motions to lure him out*