Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


Lord of Altera
My character kinda does not know your character... but dang. Aracena has an incredible story from what I've read and you've done a beautiful job putting together your character profile. :)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Added an AMAZING Aracena Chibi. @Elz is so wonderful! Also added the original reference image for Aracena that I'd taken down a while back. Decided to put it back up.

Blond Aracena.jpg


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I have such plans for this character. So many plans. So many things coming together. *Rolls up sleeves*


Lord of Altera
And some say insanity is but a bridge into enlightenment? All I see... Is a shadow is the insane, of whom is what? Is she insane.. Or is the insanity.. Her? Who shall knowww~~ all I see... Is a mad woman, one whom should be... Hurt? No... Weakened?... Maybe.. I am so excited.. And yet, am unsure as to why.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I realized there are some very major prized possessions that never got added to her possession list. @IceandFire

Also updated her social status and added a relation.

Aracena FINALLY learned that Vlad died trying to rescue her. Only took her 10-14 years. Now she kind of feels bad for not avenging him like she was supposed to. @Michcat @Sir Andrew Wallins