Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Also, when you bake a cake for Jishrim............. Things aren't as they are intended. xD


@Elz @Michcat @Immerael @IceandFire @TurtlePrada

Let's see... What did Dawn and Aracena make the cake layers from...?

Red layer were some berries?
Orange was a bunch of crushed up orange flowers.
Yellow was a bunch of extra eggs. (Heh)
Green was made from green tea leaves, because grass just wouldn't do. They weren't cows.
Blue made from berries.
And purple made from squishing the red and blue berries together.

But they burnt it, adding the final color of Jishrim's Delight (What I've just named the cake.) Dawn put EXTRA sugar in the icing, just to be safe.

Voila- How to cook with the insane.
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
[Plz dont kill for the F word ;-;]
Ghostly edit: I'ma spoil it for the f word~
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
wat is goin on

send help

Heh- We don't need no help. We created disaster just fine on our own. ;)

Really though, Aracena just wanted Dawn to eat something so Dawn suggested eating something with every color in it, like all the colors in Aracena's dress. She suggested doing the cake with all the colors, and it just went from there. Hilarious RP, honestly.

And then Dawn's uncle came, followed by Jishrim. Athryl was more than a little confused and affronted by the scene in his kitchen, prompting a whole chain of events that led to the sinking ship. Jishrim seemed to like the cake though. And there was some fun storytelling involved. Much things. Many things.
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
Also, I made some updates to Aracena's personality section. (I got REALLY bored, okay?) To be somewhat honest, this character is a bit of a difficulty for me nowadays. she's very, very hard to keep consistent. But hopefully that is explored in the ramblings that are to follow.~

Personality: Aracena is an unstable individual. She is paranoid on any given day, and incredibly untrusting. She has severe delusions of persecution, and believes that nearly everyone would see her caged. Her gaze often darts, and in stressful situations, she becomes... hard to handle. Some days she is kind and accommodating. She wants to trust, and she wants to see good in people again, and there are days she's risk friendliness. But she is always let down in the end and recoils. Very quickly she reverts back to her own insanity that is mingled with the curse. The hate she feels is stronger than her hope.

Once upon a time, Aracena's selfless nature was her defining feature. She would bear any burden for her loved ones, just so they would not have to feel any pain or heartbreak. But in doing so, she broke herself. And now that selfless quality is gone as she is so entrenched in her own hate and pain. She feels so much, and it drowns her. She hates and fears so strongly memories of kindness and love are eclipsed.

However- She is not a lost cause. She sees herself in Dawn Blackfire, and loves the girl very deeply. Aracena would spread madness to the far corners of the earth, see others despair as she does. Except with Dawn. She is torn in bringing Dawn into her own darkness and pushing her to a brighter future. One thing is for certain, however. Aracena will protect Dawn just like her own sons.

Curse Effects: She sees smoky spiders all around her. They click and skitter everywhere. In everything. People have rainbows in their eyes, no eyes, or just white eyes. She hears people she knows calling her own name. (She does not hear the names of other people, as is for some reason a common assumption...) She hears Jishrim's laughter near constantly. At times, she laughs or sobs inappropriately. She also has a tendency to speak backwards.

Current Disposition: Detached. Untrusting. Heartbroken. Angry. The longer she is alone the more hate sets in.