Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


Lord of Altera
I have the confusion to this reaction.
I was implying that >she will stat a jishrem cult in all cities

nah but I just found it interesting, I like keeping up with this chars twists and turns, I found tambry to be a strange change from hamlet to city is all


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I was implying that >she will stat a jishrem cult in all cities

nah but I just found it interesting, I like keeping up with this chars twists and turns, I found tambry to be a strange change from hamlet to city is all
Ah! Well. Erm- Her and Athryl are currently in Splitsville. And while she does own Dusk Port ICly, it's a bit abandoned and there's no trade or food there currently. Tambry is close enough to her sons to be content. So yerp.


Lord of Altera
Seeing what Aracena has become.. From that near cheerful, and respected librarian to.. This carcass, this.. Shell. Makes me sad really. I actually.. Feel sad.

You, @Niah, enjoy this don't you...


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Seeing what Aracena has become.. From that near cheerful, and respected librarian to.. This carcass, this.. Shell. Makes me sad really. I actually.. Feel sad.

You, @Niah, enjoy this don't you...
Ouch. The pain in my soul stings.~ There's a reason she's my least favorite character right now. :p

But there are plans. Such plans.


Lord of Altera
Ouch. The pain in my soul stings.~ There's a reason she's my least favorite character right now. :p

But there are plans. Such plans.
Noah. You realise I'm just about to go to bed.

And now you spring this on me...

Nightmares Niah.

But plans are good Sam, aren't they? We like plans, you and I.

Oh Niah.. We must RP again soon!


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Noah. You realise I'm just about to go to bed.

And now you spring this on me...

Nightmares Niah.

But plans are good Sam, aren't they? We like plans, you and I.

Oh Niah.. We must RP again soon!
You frighten easily, Sam. :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff

I told you I had plans. For better or for worse, someone's been doing a bit of praying.


Lord of Altera
How to cook with the insane.
first you gotta grab every single ingredient you have, and just dump it all into one pot, and completely burn some herb in another pot to get the black suet.

cook for however long you like, add everything to the pot with the suet.

cook for 10 minutes in water and you have a chaotic dish that has a mystery flavor