Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Lord of Timbervale
Alright so after a bit of work and a little headache I’ve updated the OP. I will be updating it again soon with screenshots of the city. If you are a citizen and your name is not there please let me know and I will add you right away.

I also did a bit of cleaning up in the board (if you couldn’t tell after going from three pages to one). I don’t mind idle discussion about the city at all, but please don’t be hurt or surprised when it gets deleted after a couple of days during a cleanup. If there is a post I deleted and you want it still visible let me know and we can talk about it.

@spider: Please see me in game and I will set you up for enchanting in the library. I would also like to start a collection of player written books. We can talk more in game or if you want start a conversation with me.


Settling in Altera
Hey Maveric, you put me down as a resident, but i don't believe I've been accepted yet 0_0 (could be wrong)


Lord of Timbervale
Then consider yourself accepted. the only issue is I believe we already have an apothecary. With that said I dont mind having two in the city at this moment but you might not be able to open a storefront for a little bit, is this alright with you?


Loyal Servant of Altera
<<lists of nonsense/rules that everyone should have already known before applying to HW>>

1. No griefing. In this case even if you belong to our town, we do not allow you to build anywhere else than the interior of assigned home (Unless you're helping us with constructions under our permission). Therefore, if anyone is seen or discovered griefing or even destroying a block--we will try to be flexible here-- will be punished as Maverichero stated above.

2. Be courteous and respectful to others. This is really no brainers. If you cannot conduct this most simple and essential requirement to the online and offline environment, you are and will be in trouble and find yourself as an outsider.

3. Before asking any questions, please check the 'Everything You Need To Know' page in the forum. (Also re-read the ToC which you've stated that you have READ before applying) Note that it is not that we hate answering questions, but the questioins that are often asked are kindly and specifically answered in the forum. If you still don't understand or have further questions after searching through the forum, then we would love to help you find the answer/solution.
4. Do not mess with the Terrain around the bay or in the town in general. This kinda goes under griefing, but this is a very important rule so it need it's own number. That and maverichero wanted it stated :D


Lord of Timbervale
We do have prebuilt houses which you are alowed to pick from what is available and move into. We typically do not allow members to free build a house unless I okay it.


Ingame-Name: danta4000

RP-Name: Anchforth

Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to fill the position of butcher, why? I have always had a something with pigs, and chickens and all other lovely meats, i love cooking and collecting meat and would love to help the community fullfill their tasty needs! I love cooking, and helping others gain that energy from that lovely juicy sweet taste of meat!

A couple of sentences about yourself: I have only just joined HollowWorld and am looking for a suitable place to fullfill my needs as a butcher, like I said i love getting meat, but i also love building an awesome community with others, and sharing stuff when people are in-need. I love roleplay, and I love football and many other sports!

How do I feel i can add to this community: I would keep supply of meat for everyone, I would help anyone with their needs and I would love to lend a helping hand at building nice medieval styled structures! I love helping communities and I am new to HollowWorld!


Hollows Explorer
Have you walked around town yet? I like your application if the others don't have any issues with it you'll be whitelisted later today!


Sorry for the late reply, yes I have had a look round town and looks awesome! I would love to be accepted, so I will wait for you guys to accept me and I will wait patiently :)


Awesome thanks :) Once whitelisted, i just wondered as i applied for butcher, will it be my home, or will there be a certain premisis i have to go to?


Loyal Servant of Altera
We'll get you a house. I'm not really sure on where yet though, we may have a house near the barn or it may just be one inside the city. We do have some homes out by the farm that you might get put in. I'll have to find that out.


Lord of Timbervale
Let me discuss your living/ working situation with the council. In the interm you can either stay in a room in the inn or you can be set up temporarily in one of the houses. Just let the council member who sets you up know.


Gamer has set me up with a temporary house, I will await the council's approval to where i shall permantley live.


Hollows Explorer
To all applicants, we still need more guardians! Becoming a guardian grants some perks: 1st set of iron armor and weapon we provide access to helpful potions during rp events. Plus once We have enough guards we will hold a tournament to select our two lieutenant positions. As a guard you can still hold another position as well. If you are selected I do ask that you grind a little each time your on to raise your level in the weapon of your choosing. Thanks!!


In that case I'll apply for this position.

In-Game Name: LethalTerror77
RP Name: Leth Tera
Roll you wish to fill and why: Guardian. It is a needed position and I was planning on applying for this poisition before I even started playing.
A couple sentences about yourself: Recently joined Hollow World and took a look around Timbervale last night. I am need of living quarters and it seems Timbervale is need of protection.
How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add quite a bit. I can not only help with protection but on my free time I am willing to help with any construction the town has and even help out with the rest of the citizens. I feel a Guardian of Timbervale should be more than just protection but someone any player can freely come to for any sort of help.

My character profile is updated on the boards.


Hollows Explorer
I agree and that's what I ask of guardians, to assist in anything the towns people and visitors need, whether it be directions or a tour or if you see any behavior that is not allowed like griefing you immediately report it to the council member who is on or an admin. I do ask that you fill another roll as well though maybe miner or lumberjack? the city is still growing! though I do like this application and once you can get on with a council member I think we can whitelist you! You'll get a bunk at the barracks for sure, and if we have some available well try to set you up with a home. What time are you available to get on?
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