Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Magus of Nothing
Once again I post here just to say that we now have a few inactive members. If these members do not join soon then they will be kicked by Van Garrett if you are in the town but are unsure that you are one of these then just leave a sign infront of the kitchen saying when youve been on and who you are.


Loyal Servant of Altera
is their any posibility of a volex transport from Darkwood to Port Silver or somewhere similar? or would this ruin some of the town's rp?


Loyal Servant of Altera
I thought you'd say something like that but me and mad did die several times even with our iron armor and swords


Loyal Servant of Altera
RP NOTE To Lord VanGarrett A number of things have happend. Such as the deserted village, the cave with a sign and the multiple obsidian blocks... i suspect you knew about the demon treat and left the chicken message. but there are no chickens i have seen not one since I joined Darkwood. More obsidian was found in the human demons room...


Lord of Altera
Edited an earlier post so there is now a list of town institutions.

EDIT: I have now added several new rules and a new rank. Plus re-read the original post, some changes have been made.


Lord of Altera
Similar rank really, they'll probably have a bit more autonomy and all, but you can charge them what you like for what you sell to them. They will have to pay for all of their resources whereas you can get anything you need for free from the other institutions, just as they can from you. Merchants are to generate and economy to pay for everything. You get free housing, but they will have to pay a fair bit for housing for instance. Although I doubt we will have merchants until we get settled along with everyone else in the new map.