Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Loyal Servant of Altera
Small question here. Are Foresters allowed to collect seeds? or is this another vocations job?


Lord of Altera
You can collect seeds if you like, but to be perfectly honest we have an absolutely huge amount of seeds so it doesn't matter at all. Use common sense if you can with regards to those sort of things.


Lord of Altera
Ok! Message me in game when I'm on later and we'll see what role you want to be! I will be on later, perhaps about 7 or so.


Magus of Nothing
What is your IGN? I'll introduce you to the town and show you around until VanGarrett comes online.


Magus of Nothing
Van can you come online quickly to accept Blood. Hes gathered some wood but wants to start mining.


Hey guys! I've joined Heaven's Reach. I'm sorry If I let you guys down in anyway, but I was eager to start my adventures!
I shall not forget jakp25 hospitality in my time at Darkwood, and I will come back to visit you once I'm better equipped!



Loyal Servant of Altera
Do all town members have to read this?
(sorry if this has already been answed)


Lord of Altera
Yes, all town members should read it, just so that everyone knows what everyone else, as well as themselves have to do, or what everyone is working towards.


Loyal Servant of Altera
ah fine I'll rephrase what are the plans for the futurer of Darkwood in general, are we still gathering reasorses ect?


Magus of Nothing
Yes we are. Just stick to your town institution and gather as much wood/crops/stone as you can. Also i reccomend using the Sorrowlands as a source of wood. You spawn in a dense darkwood forest and you dont even have to replant the trees! (or atleast i dont think you do)


Loyal Servant of Altera
thanks, but currently I'm not a town resident, as in I can't open doors ect,


Magus of Nothing
As most other towns Darkwood has lost members. So we are now recruiting for a lot of positions. If you will stick to Roleplay and be a good town member (follow the rules) then we will certainly accept you!

Just ask VanGarrett Jak or any other Seneschals to be added.