Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood

Uh, you probably mean miner.

Walk over to us, then try and contact jak [I think he's an assistant], or Van Garrett, someone with the power to add you as a citizen.


Lord of Altera
New guard tower building design


17 Blocks tall

12 Blocks wide

4 stories+roof

1st:meeting hall


3rd:training room





Lord of Altera
It has been brought to my attention that the town has no colours or flags to represent it.

Therefore I have decided that residents can make a flag or banner in some sort of shape and form to either represent the town or their industry or institution. Beware that your work may or may not be used, as any who know me may realise by now just how fussy and pedantic I can be.

You can make your contribution down by where the merchant housing plots are laid out. Make sure you label them and you can make a maximum of one each. (This event may be repeated several times until each industry or institution as it's own flag/banner/special colours).

I look forward to what you townsfolk come up with. The competition ends on Wednesday 10:00 GMT.


Lord of Altera
You will have to shear your own sheep in whichever way you can as there are no hunters or farmers who have gathered in enough for town use unfortunately.​


Loyal Servant of Altera
Unless there already there and I've mist them, in which case I apologise, I recon murder holes are a good idea, it would mean a permanent guard prepared to pore lava down on cowardly bandit scum. A job which could have a posible rotary system in which members of different institutions rotate weekly, to maintain a fair share of the burden, or is a permanet Darkwood militant going to be implemented?


Lord of Altera
I don't think there is much need for a dedicated militia. Instead we could have a dedicated master at arms who would be a skilled combat person, and who could train townsfolk and enlist them for help to defend us all on a rotational basis. That would probably be the best course of action.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ah, And are the murder holes a posibility? (or would the lava further endanger Darkwood?)


Lord of Altera
Murder holes are good as they are what they used in castles, I've used them before as well, but most probably arrows will be fired instead.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I just used lava as a historically accurate idea, (boiling oil doesn't exist in minecraft unfortunately) its infinite and it spreads killing multiple mobs, the problem would be wild fire destroying the forest.


Lord of Altera
Yes, if you contact either me or a town assistant in game we'll send you an invite, although you may be in a poor time zone for the town.


These plans look grea Garrett! I think you could keep the inside more castle and industria-like and put the actual living quarters outside the walls? Or do you want to keep it all inside the walls?


Lord of Altera
No, there will be houses and suchlike outside the walls too. Will keep all the important things inside the walls so when the raiders come they won't get them! :D