Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
"Alright, I'll git ye ya bloodeh Milk ya stoopid tinker person aye! Also I'll git ya some aswell ya youngun'!"
*The innkeeper smiles at the two and then stares at Seth, He grabs a cleaver off the counter and slams it into the table. His eyes wide and his nose crinkled.*
"I dun sell this feckin' Black Mountain shite!"
*The innkeeper pulls out two glass mugs and goes to the kitchen, He comes back later with two full glasses of milk and passes them to the two. He pats his apron as a small finger falls out of his pocket. He glances around quickly as he places it back in his pocket. He places his hands on the counter as he starts to whistle.*


I think I might like it here
"Walks in to the inn with a limp, grabs a empty table by the bar then with a smart and witty voice shouts to the bartender"
Wont you give me the strongest ale you got .. for a dashing adventure like myself!


Real life redstone crafter
*The Tinkerer nods at the barkeep and picks up the glass mug*
*GULP* "Ahhh, that's the spot!"

[[Arf... Imagination has gone and took a break!]]


Lord of Altera
*Seth looks annoyed by the Barkeepers ill manner, Takeing out a small axe he throws it past the barkeepers head into a wall, large cracks spreading from the impact*
Yer dunnae talk te a Dwarf in tha' way! Now why don't yer keep yer bladdy opinions te yerself and try te improve yer barside manner yer filthy man! Black mountain be Dwarven brewed and better than any of t'e poxy, weak ales yer have 'ere!
*Seth smashes his fist down onto the bar, spilling Jack's Milk*
I challenge thee to a Drinking Duel Barkeep!


I think I might like it here
*look at barryg seeing if he has any lose pockets .. think to myself """ maybe he has some valuables i might want"""*


Magus of Nothing
Falls off chair in shock.
Seth calm down please...
Right eye twitches. Looks a bit queasy.
I don't want any fighting...


I think I might like it here
** in the commotion he walks quietly behind barryg hoping there's a chance for him to steal whats in his pockets**


Real life redstone crafter
*Notices a creepy fella staring at his pants*
"Oy! Wadda ya want creeper! Only got redstone dust in my pants!"
*Waving his wooden stick around*


I think I might like it here
** quickly stares up**
i wasnt looking at your pants my dear friend
** lieing hoping barryg will buy his story**
i was just looking at that broken mug on the ground
**points to the mug on the ground near barrgy's stool**


Lord of Altera
*The Innkeeper chuckles at Seth as he responds to him.*
"Ya 'ave yaself a deal lad! But I gotta do somethin' first..."
*The innkeeper pulls the cleaver out of the counter as he stares at the man behind the tinker. He scowls at him as he points to the door.*
"We don't want any arselookers in mah feckin' inn! I'll chop ya cheeks out and eat them mate..."
*The innkeeper goes over and pulls the axe out of the wall, sighing as he rips it out and places it near Seth.*
"Once I git this laddie out, I'll 'ave the drinkin' contest but ya gonna feckin' fix mah wall."
*The innkeeper goes around the counter, flicking the cleaver in his hand as he eyes the man behind the Tinker.*
"I would git out mate!"


I think I might like it here
*** gives a crooked smile to the barkeep***
hey hey dear sir i aint her to cause any trouble
*** backing up slowly from the barkeep***
anyways my kind sir it seems you have a lot on your hand here with this fellow you call seth
*** backing even father away from the barkeep***


Lord of Altera
After passing out on the streets of the inn, Marcus wakes with a throbing pain in the back of his head and an aching for breakfast. Marcus lifts himself up and walks into the inn to sees familiar faces. Marcus finds a empty table and sits on the wooden stool. He reaches into his sack and pulls out a note with a very detailed drawing on it. He looks around the inn to spot this person, but can't seem to spot him/her. Marcus calls for a waiter(not for sure their are waiters in a inn!) and watches the drinking contest.


Lord of Altera
*Seth Laughs*
Ae'll repair yer wall If Ae be losin Barkeep, if yer lose, I be gettin free ale fer t'e day and 1,000 Radiants, yer still in?
*Seth takes a scrap of Squid from his backpack, eating heartily as the Albino Rat, Leeroy, emerges from his pocket onto his shoulder again, Seth scratching it under the chin*


Real life redstone crafter
*Look down at the broken mug*
"Ass peeper, a broken mug I can't repair... Tinkerings I can... But..."
*Looks at his own behind...*
"Hmmm... I do have to say I have a lovely behind..."
*Tries to stand up but wiggles on his legs...*
"Whops... The milk is starting to rush to me head!"
*Waves at the keep*
" 'Nother round please"


The Anime loving Brony
*Goes over to the innkeeper and dwarf as they start the drinking contest*
"Oi, Innkeeper, When yer ready, will ye get me a Kings' Brew and some cooked chicken?"


Lord of Altera
*Sneaks behind the counter while the innkeeper is distracted*
*thinks* Let's see where he keeps 'is gold...
*rummages around behind the bar*


I think I might like it here
** as i walk back to my table i see a swift shadow run by but as i focus my stare i see its obsidianshield my old thieving hood friend with a quick smirk i say to my self*
ha he still is the same
** garbing my sit i pick up a pebble throwing it to obsidianshield quietly signaling him to come here**


Lord of Altera
*Ponders, and wonders, "How long was I out?"*
I haven't much to drink, and Luna has left. No-one's woken me up, and the inside is bustling...
*Walks inside, looking at the crowd, sitting next to Seth, where Jack had fell down*

[[Rhyming somewhat like a boss]]


Lord of Altera
Marcus notices the man hit by a pebble. He stares at the man briefly and then back at the note on his table with the detailed drawing labeled *BOUNTY*. Marcus relise's it's the guy he's looking for. Marcus leans back on his chair, gulps down some Ale and wait's to see what the thief will do next.


Lord of Altera
Ach Arcone! Good ter be seeing ye, I did try te wake yer but yer wunnae havein any o' it...Ae think the barkeeps back out me challenge...Here, dunnae pay for the rubbish e's got
*Passes Bottle of Black Mountian ale then takes out a seemingly glowing pipe and blows rings of Water, which drift off into the air*
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