Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Game Of Crowns

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Didnt you say both sides have to be even during battles? I doubt there would be a need for outside people....


Colored leather ftw. Think about, even if an opposing player does put on the wrong color, that is essentially the same as everyone wearing diamond armor, only not everyone will be wearing the wrong color.

Or you could just... disallow people from changing their helmets.


Lord of Altera
Colored leather ftw. Think about, even if an opposing player does put on the wrong color, that is essentially the same as everyone wearing diamond armor, only not everyone will be wearing the wrong color.

Or you could just... disallow people from changing their helmets.
Wouldn't they all get killed by their teammates anyway? :p


Lord of Altera
Surely the armies will each know their own members? They are all members of the same house after all.
Many houses have lots of members, for example Lonmar. I may not know half the members of my house, as may the newer members.


Lord of Altera
Hahaha but if you don't know your team mates... oy...
I know all my team mates, it's ok. I also remember seeing you at several Lonmar meetings. :p

Realistically, however, in the heart of a battle, if someone was wearing the wrong colours a warrior may not realise they're his friend before it's too late.
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