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Game Of Crowns

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WildWyvern said:
Actually your question is too vague to warrant a proper answer. Could you please elaborate?
Too vague? I think he's asking if his organisation can interfere with the game of crowns even though isn't a house. He is also saying he knows he can't be king or have points so issume he means all other things except those listed. Spying, politics, etc.


I believe they meant that an organization, while they will not reap any profit from doing so, may interfere with a ruler the dislike's road to the crown.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Wild.


Sorrows Warrior
Too vague? I think he's asking if his organisation can interfere with the game of crowns even though isn't a house. He is also saying he knows he can't be king or have points so issume he means all other things except those listed. Spying, politics, etc.
Perhaps, but let him answer the question. :D
Yeah, he basically got it. Spying, kidnapping, selling information, maybe a couple assassinations. Y'know, the usual espionage stuff, while knowing our influence on another house won't give/take points away.
if his organisation can interfere with the game of crowns even though isn't a house.
Funny thing about that; we're actually in a house, but we're mainly neutral.


Lord of Altera
Can houses that paid for entry give their points to another house at the end?

Because what i dont like is that its been months and months that the diplomatic part of the GoC is going on, and you are saying that the only thing we can now do is hire mercenaries that can barely only fight in battles for you? And what about all the alliances work?
I guess it depends how far along the GoC is, if a House wants to give its points to another, it'd have to be right before the War time because they'd essentially be joining teams.

I am thinking that unofficial alliances will be allowed to join the battles/games, but their activity wont count towards any points for the House their fighting for. What I mean is that if a House gets some friends to help out, they start out with 12 or so players and get 5 or more from alliances. Those players joining the fight wont increase their 'points' but they can help them win points.


Lord of Altera
It's an idea that just came to mind, but if the towns of these houses become 'open to war' what does everyone think of all members of each House decide on a colour to wear and wear it on a leather helmet? They don't provide much defense anyway and it'd be the best way to define enemies in battle.

It could also provoke some RP brawls xD if two coloured helms met each other


Lord of Altera
It's an idea that just came to mind, but if the towns of these houses become 'open to war' what does everyone think of all members of each House decide on a colour to wear and wear it on a leather helmet? They don't provide much defense anyway and it'd be the best way to define enemies in battle.

It could also provoke some RP brawls xD if two coloured helms met each other
Creative idea, but it would let the enemies pretend to be allies.

By the way, I saw that edit :p


Lord of Altera
But yeah, I mean when they're actively having wars in their towns they should wear the coloured helms. The battle I had with the templars helped me realise that when everyone's in diamond armour and you don't recognise names, it's really hard to tell who's a friend and who's the enemy.


Lord of Altera
It's an idea that just came to mind, but if the towns of these houses become 'open to war' what does everyone think of all members of each House decide on a colour to wear and wear it on a leather helmet? They don't provide much defense anyway and it'd be the best way to define enemies in battle.

It could also provoke some RP brawls xD if two coloured helms met each other
Thats a great idea, actually! However, it may get annoying if some annoying people start to wear the enemy's colors, and i personally can't stand those that would do that.
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