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Game Too Stronk


Retired Staff
What's your best round in any game? Recent fun games I've had include hunting the enemy Commander in Planetary Annihilation by playing russian roulette on the various planets of the solar system with a death laser, and a round of TF2 a few minutes ago where I, a demoknight, pulled off a 53/3 K/D and had 7 dominations at once.



Dark Council Elite
Went 50 and 4 in a match of Halo Reach 4v4 SWAT where the rest of my team quit.

Was a good day.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
This is most recent. Wish I had some of the stuff from when I was still into TF2, though it never was a good as the stuff Baron just posted.
Ohyeah.png Ohyeso.png
First one, my kills are more impressive, but my team still tied thanks to GreenFloyd and Zeemer who were really bad at everything. GreenFloyd did eventually get kicked, but the damage was done by then and Zeemer didn't help. The next game, the team score was much better, despite the guy in last place abandoning 5 rounds in. Regardless, I did play very good that day.


Lord of Altera
71 kills, 7 deaths after forty minutes of Planetside 2 tank hunting with the pre-nerf AP Vanguard, counting 11 kills from my gunner.

Suicide bombed the entire enemy team in the last ten seconds of the match in Blacklight Retribution.

I'll see if I have screenshots of either laying around.


This is most recent. Wish I had some of the stuff from when I was still into TF2, though it never was a good as the stuff Baron just posted.
View attachment 60264 View attachment 60265
First one, my kills are more impressive, but my team still tied thanks to GreenFloyd and Zeemer who were really bad at everything. GreenFloyd did eventually get kicked, but the damage was done by then and Zeemer didn't help. The next game, the team score was much better, despite the guy in last place abandoning 5 rounds in. Regardless, I did play very good that day.
MM rank? :p


Lord of Altera
War Thunder 20:5 K/D ratio in a Tier 4 March using tier 3 planes. Robocraft: I eliminated a full team in a boss battle by myself.

And also surviving 3 rams in one match of warthunder with minimal damage. A full repair and 8 kills :D Pe-3BIS too stronk


Lord of Altera
Oooooh, I've got a couple laying around that I'm pretty content with, none of them are super great scores, but I wager they would have given me a better feeling than going 50/4 in CS:GO. Plus it adds variety to all these shooters. :D
Allow me to present:

The time I beat @Seano96x in a game of Killing Floor trying to get more kills than him, where I killed the Patriarch to get the last kill -

And this game of LoL where, well...



Lord of Altera
Since Akari mentioned Killing Floor, my best game was when I finished Waterworks on suicidal. I'm not super good at Killing Floor, so even finishing a game on a difficulty greater than hard is an achievement.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Silver I at that time. In the next two consecutive games I ranked up landing at Silver III which is were I am now. I play with a clan of friends who consist of Silver III to Silver Elite.


Silver I at that time. In the next two consecutive games I ranked up landing at Silver III which is were I am now. I play with a clan of friends who consist of Silver III to Silver Elite.
Ah ok. I'm Nova Master and the people I play with are Nova 3, the carry is real, 3 of them are good, but one just drags the team down and we have to carry him. In the last 11 games I've won 9 and lost 2, have a rank up after the 7th win, so hopefully I'll be MG soon. You'll get there eventually.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Ah ok. I'm Nova Master and the people I play with are Nova 3, the carry is real, 3 of them are good, but one just drags the team down and we have to carry him. In the last 11 games I've won 9 and lost 2, have a rank up after the 7th win, so hopefully I'll be MG soon. You'll get there eventually.
I certainly hope so. I'm told playing with a team is the best way to go, so it's good I'm doing so from the start I think.


Legend of Altera
I dropped the 40 bomb the other day in CS:GO, was well saddened when I saw a couple silver ones and an unranked on the enemy team.

Edit: And I'm a silver three... So that's not really impressive.


Some League scores I thought were alright digging through my match history. Then again, it's unranked normals, so may not count for much.
LoL 2.png
LoL 3.png
LoL 6.png