Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[ Jishrim ] Godswelm


"Something need doing?"


PROFILE: { Link }

PATRON: ʆἲṡẖѓїɱ

TIER: Tier 1.




Ṫħĕ ȇýѐѕ ċåἢ ḃēсǒṃӗ ęṋṱíѓẻɫÿ þłắćƙ èḭեȟȇř аŧ ẃìɬł, õř ǐἥ ćêṛțẳḭῄ ⅽ¡ŕćȗṁṧȶáᾗçӗѕ (ʂҏĕɭļсȧšŧїῂց, ḣἰɡհ ěṁồէȉôῆŝ, âḋṙéռẳḻϊոẻ, ӗեс). (Jishrim)
[BLESSING] They are able to will the inside of their mouth to be entirely black, and void-like. Optionally, glints of red spider eyes can be glimpsed. (Jishrim)
[BLESSING] Тḣȩγ ăŗê äþŀḙ Էὄ şửṁṃỏň ậ ṥɱầɭľ ḅǻŀŀ ǒẛ κắłêιďȍŝḉὅῤίс ⅽòłọµг էẖḁṯ șȇẹḿš ťṍ ăḅṥὀŗḃ ṯḩẻ ḻιğḩԷ ẚȓôủᾓḏ ĩṯ, ďἳṃṁϊñǵ ȓởõṁš ǎῃḓ ēхťἰṇǵűḭśḫıἧɠ ⅽắրḋḽḙʂ. (Jishrim)
[BLESSING] With a touch, they are able to disperse any item of food into an equivalent mass of edible insects, at the choice of the blessed. The insects will remain mostly on the platter but naturally some will try to escape. (Jishrim)
[CURSE] Ẇẖȅṝĕʋӗӷ ħе ğὃеš, țḫḕґę ằṙę ḙցģș. Ṣò₥ẹțϊ₥èṡ ƫիḕỳ ĺảήď ȫᾕ ḧἰṁ ăѕ ɨẛ ḋṙὃрῤêḑ ḟѓӧ₥ ṣỗ₥ėṱհϊᾗǥ ϝļȳɪᾐģ ẵƅӧὖë, ŝȏɱȩԷĭ₥ḕŝ ḣῐṣ ḋɼïᾐḳ ձŗ ẛʘṍḓ ƫụṝἠş ẗό ӷẚԝ ớг ȓổէṯѐᾔ ȅǧġ ῒň ḧīṧ ₥ȭնƫհ, ȃṋḏ ŝόṃëŧïḿȇṥ ἰƫ ɩṥ ǰɥѕṫ âṅ ớῦèɼԝĥȇƚ₥ὶᾑģ ṣṃеĺƚ. (Jishrim)

[BROKEN] [ Fiendish Contract - Shattered Apostle ] [BROKEN]

A contract has been created between Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle and Godswelm for safeguarding a secret and for the ruination of the Gods and their servants and for dismantling the Pantheon. The contract bears a number of unique clauses:
1) For the purposes of bringing ruin to the Pantheon, Chaos will be the last to fall. The Shattered Apostle will provide aid to Godswelm if and when an opportunity is deemed favourable by the Archfiend.
2) To be released from the contract, Godswelm must provide 5 souls in exchange for his release from the contract to be done at Godswelm's choosing.
3) Signed by a given name of the Shattered Apostle.
4) Secrecy of Kelgoth by the Shattered Apostle for the length of the contract.


Born from Junse'ke in a terrible ritual, Due to Jishrim's presence at the birthing, he has been altered some- he has black hair, light grey skin, and both eyes are a deep black colour. He is also completely deaf in his right ear. His father is Bok'ra, a past exalt of Jishrim. His 'auntie' is the current exalt of Jishrim.

Road to Tier 1:
1. Born in the dark, he breathed his first in a foul and wretched place under Jishrim's gaze. [Link]
2. Taught by his Mother and Auntie in the ways of chaos and madness, he was never devoid of toys and friends to play dangerous games with. [Link]
3. After his Mother's disappearance, and a subsequent (failed) adventure into the world to search for her, he meets with his Auntie once more to learn of his Mother's great legacy. He asks questions of the nature of the world, and is given harsh answers. [No Event Page - 27/08/2022]
4. Returning to Storm's Landing, he meets with his cousin, one of the Vat-Born and Layla. He sets up a bonfire near the entrance of the slums, and subsequently draws the attention of attacking demons and cultists from the Ivory Host. They burn down part of the slums, and he flees into the sewer leading them below. [No Event Page - 28/08/2022]
5. Provides an offering to Jishrim, a tome he had found from the library in Storm's Landing. The tome is 'Treatise Against Jishrim' by Lana Wake. [ 07/09/2022 ]
6. Establishes the Magebloom Charity, and begins advocating for the poor and needy. He founds this along side 'Rogal Glade' (who in fact had no idea about this charity and had no part in this founding beyond being attributed (wrongly) to it.). [ Link ]
7. Drugs Drystam with Reverie, while proposing it as a way to 'sooth' his mind after a panic attack about leeches. Drystam is inflicted with happy, merry thoughts, but truly it could have gone either way. He will continue to offer Drystam further supply into the future. [ 29/09/2022 ]
8. Tattles on Rogal Glade (his cousin) to Broodmother about Rogal's run in with the law. Rogal ends up in big trouble at Night of Discipline. [ 12/10/2022 ]
9. Helps Nilsa egg Matt's house. [10/11/2022 ]

[ Iconoclasm T1]
Goal: To tear the gods from their thrones of power, and elevate mortals to greater power.
+ Irrukh AbsentUser kicking the Theodra shrine in exchange for an apple. (15/10/2022)
+ Alek joshun cutting out his own eye before the Theodra shrine, in exchange for 6000 radiants and a potion of Reverie. (29/10/2022)
+ Alek joshun putting his own severed eye back in his socket before the Shalherana shrine- and then cutting it out again for radiants and a potion of Reverie. (29/10/2022)
+ Kiana Elz throws eggs at a Skraag shrine in exchange for 2000 radiants. (9/11/2022)
+ Alek joshun throws eggs at Visage shrine in exchange for 2000 radiants. (9/11/2022)

-=] [=-
The Mad One's influence, as usual, manifests itself in a form of torment—as a reward for Godswelm's servitude, and a reminder of the power his master holds. For an entire day, the devout are wracked with supernatural hallucinations, even sleep providing no solace. On the morrow, however... although exhausted, he awakes and finds that power has been bestowed upon him. [ Tier 1 achieved 13/11/2022 ]

Road to Tier 2:
+ Schenigans at the Festivals of Fineries. Appointed a secret judge of the beauty contest, He sabotages the categories allowing Melarue to win the gentlemen's category. She is most displeased. (27/11/2022)
+ Curses Nilsa, Blessed of Valiant with [Nightmare], convincing her that it'd help stave off worse nightmares. (30/11/2022)
+ Helps Theo and Ruckus bury corpses of fallen kin after the raid on the market festival. He sticks around and stays with those suffering for their kin's loss. He doesn't comfort them. (03/12/2022) [ ]
+ Casts Madness I over a tavern to try to aid a companion's escape and distract some others. His companion is still captured. (30/12/2022).
+ While Branko, Rogal, Melarue and Artesia are fighting below him in the under-tavern in Storm's Landing- He throws a potion of RISUSTIOUS bomb over the combatants. Up to 8 individuals (at varying amounts) are affected by the potion which made them laugh uncontrollably and filled the space where they were in for 5 minutes. He did this to temporarily dampen the fighting down and give his cousin space to slip away if he desired to. (19/02/2023)
+ Tainting of the Old-Rift with Cousin and Aunt. He aids in his Cousin and Aunt in the tainting of a old summoning rift of Dranoden's. (20/02/2023).
+ Eve of Corruption (11/3/2023)
+ Installation of new Absymal Silver buckets within Storm's Landing. The intention for them is to begin to infect the populace with a sense of misery. (17/04/2023)
+Helps Theo slay some bandits. He doesn't stay any shots when one of the bandits is about to surrender 'accidentally' killing him.[Event] (23/04/2023)
+A meeting with the Darkened Clutch to discuss the future. Things go badly- and Jishrim decides he doesn't like the contract Godswelm has signed. [Event].
+ Ritual of Our Own. Godswelm aids in the slaying of Dranoden's general- the 'Withered Chalievier'. [Event]
+A shrine is created, and a stamped coin is placed as an offering. The coin depicts the now fallen exalt Bok'ra laughing and crying. [169x, -6030z] (24/07/2023)
+ Takes on Mele as a student.

[ Iconoclasm T2 ]
Goal: To tear the gods from their thrones of power, and elevate mortals to greater power.

+ Convinces Retrospect Meilline throws 15 eggs at the Jax cathedral shrine during the Egg game. (17/11/2022)
+ Convinces Temperence Manakamana to throw 17 eggs at the Theodra cathedral shrine during the Egg game. (17/11/2022)
+Personally throws 16 eggs at the Ignis cathedral Shrine. (17/11/2022)
+ Posts a poster outside of the cathedral. (19/11/2022) [Poster]
+ The First Procession [Event]
+ Incandescent Idolatry Of Incandesence [Event]
+ Tricks Eon'noyr (hayhai) to throw 4 eggs at the Theodra shrine. (She is blind). He throws 3 eggs at the shrine himself. (13/03/2023)
+ For With Ash We Rise [Event]. He makes a contract with The Shattered Apostle for the purpose of bringing ruin to the Gods.
+ Fire and Darkness [Event].
+As Above, So Below [Event]
+ As Above, So Below II [Event]

[ BACKLASH - Apostolic Contract ]
The room he finds himself in darkens considerably, sounds of skittering and whispers creeping into his ears. The whispers grow in volume, incomprehensible if focusing on any of them individually, though a feeling of displeasure rings through the chorus.

The room returns to normal shortly after, though masses of webs with spiders among them are left behind. Watching him intently.

With the establishment of his deal with demonic forces, he feels something uncomfortable settle over his shoulders as if his previous mischief was no longer given a pass. Wherever he goes, there are eggs. Sometimes they land on him as if dropped from something flying above, sometimes his drink or food turns to raw or rotten egg in his mouth, and sometimes it is just an overwhelming smell.

As Godswelm savored his customary treenuts one evening, a wicked transformation occurred. The once familiar texture now betrayed him, disintegrating like fragile eggshells with each bite. A disconcerting sourness infiltrated his palate, refusing to be dismissed. Hallucinations began to form all around him; things unnatural and yet natural to him. Amid hallucinations, a fleeting but potent sense of exquisite agony enveloped him. As the treenuts returned to normal, so did a newfound power, propelling Velmont deeper into his faith.
[ T2 achieved 20/11/2023 ]

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